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Old 11-08-2010, 01:12 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: How to record rtmp:// flash video .flv stream from embedded Adobe Flash Player

Replay Media Catcher 4 distinguishes between RECORDING MODE and DOWNLOADING MODE; if it cannot download a (secured?) stream, it offers to record it.

This happened to me with some arbitrary music video clip (MTV?).

I compared the running video on the webpage with the recorded FLV file. They definitely look the same (i would say 100% alike!). So maybe someone can tell us what the difference is and .. if there is a quality difference (degradation) in the recorded file (versus the downloaded file with rtmpdump).

in any case, RMC is really cool even if it cannot download any of the popular video websites (hulu , comedycentral , .. ).
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