Here is the site:
Looking in the source code I found this: var s1 = new SWFObject("/imagens/playerStreaming.swf","single","400","300","7");
s1.addVariable("streamer", "rtmp://");
s1.addVariable("file", "LocalUser/renatosaraiva/413beca21b33932b8e9f00a488132fe6&cpf=32145697890") ;
I think "rtmp://" are the host, and: LocalUser/renatosaraiva/413beca21b33932b8e9f00a488132fe6&cpf=32145697890 are the file, right ?
I try some comands: "rtmpdump.exe" -W "" -r "rtmp://
ca21b33932b8e9f00a488132fe6&cpf=32145697890" -p ""
rtmpdump.exe -r rtmp://
And I get the same erro Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound.
Wireshark I see some thing like "handing shanking" on packages, it means the site use some kind of encriptation ?
Any clue ?