Originally Posted by rafacastro
how can i proceed to do it??
rtmpdump.exe in the
Replay Media Catcher install folder. Then go to the Settings and configure as shown above. For example:
Protocol: RTMPE
Url Match: myspacecdn.com
Executable: rtmpdump.exe
Parameters: -r "{url}" -o "{file}"
The "Url Match" is a regular expression that is matched against a detected URL that is streaming on a given protocol to determine whether the specified executable should be used to perform the download or not.
The biggest problem with this approach is that RMC can send a URL to rtmpdump only, so any additional parameters including the ones needed for SWF verification should be specified manually for every particular web-site.
If you have any idea how to make RMC using 3rd party applications for downloading RTMPE or any other streams, please let everyone know.