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Old 06-12-2010, 06:27 PM
djpyle djpyle is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

Originally Posted by jcklaus View Post
Could you run through how you used the command line to solve the error I was getting as well? I don't understand. Thanks.
  1. First instead of using the .pyw program, download the regular .py scripts discussed in the original post. I never could get the .pyw to work. You'll have to use Terminal to run the scripts. Once in Terminal, navigate to the folder containing your scripts and type:

    python -d -o TARGETDIR -p 12345678 YOURTOPAZBOOKNAMEHERE
    where 12345678 should be replaced by the first 8 characters of your PID. You can use something else for "TARGETDIR" if you want, but you don't have to. The only things you have to change are the PID number and the filename. Use the full file name, including the extension (eg Patient-Zero-A-Joe-Ledger-Novel.tpz).

    This will create a folder called TARGETDIR (or whatever you replaced that with) in the folder with your script.
  2. Then, still in Terminal, type:

    python TARGETDIR
  3. This is where I stop because the .html the next step creates is very sloppy and doesn't retain italics, but if you want to create an .html, type:

    python TARGETDIR
    This creates a "book.html" file in the TARGETDIR folder, which you can then convert to other formats as you see fit.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any problems. I'll try to help as best I can.
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