Originally Posted by Beginner
Okay, as you might get from my name, I am complete dufus when it comes to computers. I've tried to follow your excellent instructions, installing python 2.6, creating a nice little folder c:/python26, and in it, put mobimedrm.py as well as the e-book I am trying to free up.
However, when I try to run the script as you set out, I keep getting the error message that there's no such file or folder as mobimedrm.py.
What am I doing wrong? I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing - all I know is that I'm beyond frustrated that I can no longer read a bunch of books that I have legally purchased simply because the developers have declined to adapt the software for the iphone or ipad.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me
You need to run the script from the folder where it resides. Use cd command to go to the directory with the script and with your ebook. For example:
will allow you to enter the c:\ebooks directory from the command line