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Old 05-09-2010, 07:27 AM
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How do you compile rtmpdump in Mac OS X 10.6?

I don't know if anyone is able to compile rtmpdump for mac os x. Please someone tell me. And can someone tell me how to download videos from and SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS lol, all I see is bla bla bla, I would rather pictures of you doing it, so I can just follow what your doing.

Thanks! I wish someone would make a real program, that can sniff ANY rtmp, ANY, not some, including hulu, but noooo they all got a DMCA removal or don't want to -_- COME ON HACKERS, I also want a hacker to make a alternitive for flash for my mac os x and iphone os. Not for windows, windows doesn't deserve it, let flash keep crashing their internet explorerer lol
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