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Old 05-04-2010, 02:33 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Speeding up Ubuntu: How to remove junk files

Clear cached packages
Over time Ubuntu's software system can accumulate unused software packages or temporary files. These temporary files (called caches) contain packages that you have ever installed.

The clean command will remove every single cached item. In the terminal run:
sudo apt-get clean
The autoclean command only removes only removes cached items that can no longer be downloaded (this items are often unnecessary). In the terminal run:
sudo apt-get autoclean
Remove supporting packages
Packages can also become unused over time. If a package was installed to assist with running another program - and that program was subsequently removed - you no longer need the supporting package. You can remove it with autoremove. In the terminal run:
sudo apt-get autoremove
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