05-03-2010, 04:14 AM
 Re: zmu -d /dev/video0 -q -v: Error, failed to query crop /dev/video0: Invalid argume
A USB camera that doesn't support cropping will produce an error message
Error, failed to query crop: /dev/video0: Invalid argument
zmu -d /dev/video0 -q -v
Fix for the problem:
Failures are exhibited in zmu, and other places that rely on LocalCamera::GetCurrentSettings.
The fault is in LocalCamera::GetCurrentSettings.
The error arises from the fact that ioctl VIDIOC_G_CROP returns -1 and errno = EINVAL to indicate that cropping is not supported. LocalCamera::GetCurrentSettings treats any negative rc from ioctl VIDIOC_G_CROP as grounds for abnormal termination.
The fix is straightforward and short. All changes are in zm_local_camera.cpp as follows:
< int crop_rc = vidioctl( vid_fd, VIDIOC_G_CROP, &crop );
< if ((crop_rc < 0 ) && (errno != EINVAL))
> if ( vidioctl( vid_fd, VIDIOC_G_CROP, &crop ) < 0 )
< if ( verbose ) {
< if (crop_rc >= 0) {
< sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Current: %d x %d\n", crop.c.width, crop.c.height );
< }
< else {
< sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Current: Cropping is not supported\n");
< }
< }
> if ( verbose )
> sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Current: %d x %d\n", crop.c.width, crop.c.height );