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Old 05-03-2010, 03:15 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

zmu -d /dev/video0 -q -v: Error, failed to query crop /dev/video0: Invalid argument

When I launch
zmu -d /dev/video0 -q -v
I get the following error:
Error, failed to query crop /dev/video0: Invalid argument
I've tried to chmod 777 my web cam:
sudo chmod 777 /dev/video0
but the I was getting the same error.

zmu -d /dev/video0 -V 1 -q -v
is working fine in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid:
Video Device: /dev/video0
Video Capabilities
  Name: Slim 1322 AF
  Type: 1
    Can capture
  Video Channels: 1
  Audio Channels: 0
  Maximum Width: 1280
  Maximum Height: 1024
  Minimum Width: 48
  Minimum Height: 32
Window Attributes
  X Offset: 0
  Y Offset: 0
  Width: 640
  Height: 480
Picture Attributes
  Palette: 8 - YUYV
  Colour Depth: 16
  Brightness: 21959
  Hue: 32768
  Colour :44127
  Contrast: 0
  Whiteness: 0
Channel 0 Attributes
  Name: Camera 1
  Channel: 0
  Flags: 0
  Type: 2 - Camera
  Format: 0 - PAL
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