You can try to convert videos to AMV with freeware command-line tool ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i <input> -f amv -s <width>x<height> -r 16 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -qmin 3 -qmax 3 <output>
You need to use the following video resolutions for AMV files:
- 128×96
- 128x128
- 160x128 (160x120?)
- 208x176
See the user manual of your player to learn what video resolutions are supported by it.
Also make sure to use the video framerate of 16 fps and 22kHz mono sound.
Input file can be any video file supported by ffmpeg.
If output file has .amv extention, -f amv option can be omitted.
"-r 16" sets framerate to 16 fps (you can also try 12fps, 10fps).
"-ac 1" and "-ar 22050" set 22kHz mono sound.
"-qmin 3" and "-qmax 3" set quantizer to be equal to 3. This allows to get good quality and acceptable file size.
Convert file.avi into file.amv with 160x128 video resolution:
ffmpeg -i file.avi -s 160x128 -r 16 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -qmin 3 -qmax 3 file.amv