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Old 03-31-2010, 03:11 AM
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skindle - remove DRM from KindleForPC ebooks (mobi and topaz)

skindle - is a freeware open source utility for removing DRM protection from KindleForPC ebooks.

You can run it on the computer on which KindleForPC is installed under the account that was used to purchase DRM protected content.

skindle requires your file which can be found in something like:
<User home>\...\Amazon\Kindle For PC\{AMAwzsaPaaZAzmZzZQzgZCAkZ3AjA_AY}
where ... varies by platform but is "Local Settings\Application Data" on XP.

skindle will attempt to find this file automatically.

skindle implements the PID extraction, DRM key generation and decryption algorithms employed by the KindleForPC application. This
is a stand alone app that does not require you to determine a PID on your own, and it does not need to run KindleForPC in order to extract
any data from memory.

skindle is not dependent on any particular version of KindleForPC and does not need to run KindleForPC in order to extract a PID. The tool documents the structure of the file and the data and algorthims that are used to derive per book PID values.

How to install skindle:
A compiled binary is included. Though it was built using cygwin, it should not require a cygwin installation in order to run it.

To build from source, you will need cygwin with gcc and make.

How to use skindle
./skindle [-d] [-v] -i <ebook file> -o <output file> [-k file] [-p pid]
-d optional, for topaz files only, produce a decompressed output file
-i required name of the input mobi or topaz file
-o required name of the output file to generate
-k optional path
-v dump the contents of
-p additional PID values to attempt (can specifiy multiple times)

You only need to specify a path if skindle can't find
your file automatically

How to download skindle
See also:
ebook DRM removal tools archive
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