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Old 01-18-2010, 05:50 PM
hoboslobobabe hoboslobobabe is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

Thank you for your answer.

I had a constant error because my run commandline in windows always cut out the last part of my command (seems to be limited in numer of digits), and I didnt notice at first.
So of course it kept showing error messages.

After I changed that, it at least started to download, but it never finished.
Always started from 0 - 5%.
Yet it told me to use --swfvfy it still always started to download so this message seems to be redundant perhaps?

At first I didnt understand the use of --resume resp. -e.
I thought it would resume by itself.
Then I finally understood that you have to just run the command again and again until it shows 100% (resp. 99,5%, it never shows me the full 100%).

For an 80mb file that’s about 25 times maybe.
However, i finally got it to work.
Of course running the command again and again manually is not very satisfying, but unfortunately I don’t know how to write any scripts for that.
Is there a tutorial out there or can anyone give me a basic advise how a basic script for automtic repeat of the command could look like?
And how whould I execute a script like that then?
(I am using windows btw.)

I will try to just use the command I quote underneath, name the txt-file rtmpnamehere.bat and put it in the folder with rtmpdump.exe.
Then I will manually download the 1st chunk without option –e, and then start the .bat with option –e marked.
Apparently for every link the .bat has to be altered.
That’s what I will try, I dunno if itwill really work.

Anyway, this is the working line I used (for full manual download)

-r "rtmpe://!/" 
-e -o "e:\video.mp4"
The video is in 4 parts, so I have downloaded one part of it now.
Notice the –e.
When I tried to just copy paste the other parts in the command line they never started to download but created a file with 0 bytes.
Then I took out the –e for the 1st run of the command and it download about 5% successfully.
Now I put the –e back in the command for the latter parts and it worked.
So in other words applying the resume variable without anything to resume to makes the command line not to work.

I also tried your command, noob2001204.
It's not working for me.
It doesnt start downloading, and I can't see any error messages, the screen just pops up and goes away.
Except the capitol –W repx. --swfurl it's not very different though, except your line says
While mine says
I used the capitol –W in my original command, it didn't seem to make a difference.

Perhaps or at least these videos on don't need swfhash whatever (which makes me glad really because I have no idea how that works).

What I did notice though at times is that, with the same exact command line rtmpdump sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't.

When I tried to download the last part of the video, I changed any possible variable, from –w to –W, even snooped the urls again.
The 1st chunk suddenly downloaded with --swfurl, then when I added –e it didn't work again, i changed --swfurl back to --w and it worked.
I stopped trying to understand why...

One more thing I have to ask:
Is it for legal reasons that no one makes a package with rtmpdump and URL Snooper (with possible autoupdate function) plus a gui, so people just have to fill in an url and then can choose the file they want to download and it makes the rest by itself using a "simple" script?

With a little manual and certain options to apply in case you have to use resume and –W etc..
Should be possible or is it not?

Cheers Hobo
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