Download the latest version of eBookUtility
It includes eBookUtility.jar,,
Update if needed.
eBookUtility it is just a more user-friendly, GUI-wrapper for the great python scripts developed by Igor Skochinsky. It allows to remove DRM protection from whole folders of AZW files at once. And it stores the PID and serial number for future use, requiring it to only be entered on the initial startup.
Since this application is a wrapper it displays the output of the python scripts in a text box so you can see what's going on behind the scene easily.
If you don't have a
Kindle and want to use eBookUtility:
- create a text file called "ebook.props" in the ebook utility folder
- put "PIN=<Your PID>" where <Your PID> is, obviously, the valid PID associated with your mobi books
- put "Serial=<random junk>" where random junk is anything you like, since you don't have a kindle, it doesn't matter, so put something in along the lines of "Serial=1234", ebook utility won't care, it'll even display in the bottom of the app, so put something that makes you happy.