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Old 11-05-2009, 10:07 AM
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Re: HELP! I have no Stereo Mix (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio, Windows XP)

How to modify the installation package of SoundMax driver to enable the Stereo Mix option
  1. Download SoundMax driver for your sound card (Asus Driver for AD 1988 chip)
  2. Extract the archive to an empty directory.
  3. Open the file W1254624J_XP32\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\ADIHdAud.inf with a text editor like Notepad.
  4. Search for "Disable Stereo Mixer" and change
    HKR,AD1986\\Disable, "OutR", 1, 01 ; Disable Stereo Mixer
    HKR,AD1986\\Disable, "OutR", 1, 00 ; Enable Stereo Mixer
  5. Find another entry of "Disable Stereo Mixer" and repeat the above mentioned step.)
  6. Save the edited file.
  7. Install the driver

Then you need to install the driver with the modified .inf file.

Please note that you need the Admin privileges in order to install the driver.

The easiest way to install the driver is probably by running W1254624J_XP32\setup.exe. Just double-click the setup.exe and follow the instructions on your screen.

If you already have a previous version of the driver installed, you can update in from the Control Panel:
  1. Click "Start" -> "Control Panel", enable the "Classic view" and double-click the "System" item.
  2. In the "System" dialog window select the "Hardware" tab and click the "Device Manager" button.
  3. In the "Device Manager" expand the "Audio-, video- and game-controllers".
  4. Right-click the "SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio" item and select the "Update driver...".
  5. In the Update Driver Wizard select "Install from a list of specific location (Advanced)" and hit the "Next" button".
  6. Select "Don't search. I will choose the driver to install." and hit the "Next" button.
  7. A new screen may come up showing compatible hardware. Simply click the "Have Disk" button.
  8. Then click on the "Browse" button and navigate to the folder where you extracted the driver files.
  9. Select the W1254624J_XP32\SMAXWDM\W2K_XP\ADIHdAud.inf file and click "Open".
  10. Then press the "OK" button. You will now see a list of compatible hardware. Select the driver and press the Next button.
  11. Windows will copy the updated driver to your system. When it is done, hit the "Finish" button.

p.s. This solution works for the AD1986, AD 1988 chips, but doesn't seem to work for the AD1983 chip that my Dell Optiplex 745 has.
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