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Old 09-18-2009, 03:34 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

How to join multiple MP3 files?

You can join MP3 files using freeware MP3DirectCut, Audacity as well as with many other programs.

You can also join multiple mp3 files from a command line using the copy command:
copy /b *.mp3 c:\new.mp3
The above mentioned command allows to join all MP3 files from the source directory and save them as c:\new.mp3.
The /b parameter ensures that the files are copied in binary format.
The wildcard * in "*.mp3" defines that all mp3s will be joined alphanumerically by the command.
You can add a drive and folder structure to the command if needed. You can also limit the files by adding letters or numbers to the command, e.g. "track*.mp3" to join all mp3 starting with "track".
And you can specify the names of the files in the command:
copy /b track1.mp3 + space.mp3+ track2.mp3  c:\new.mp3
Make sure that all mp3s have the same bit-rate.

This method won’t work on an iЗod without first stripping ID3 tags from mp3 files. Otherwise depending on the software/firmware reading the file you may or may not have problems playing back the mp3 file.

You can extent this method onto subfolders. Using Notepad create a .bat file with the following content:
for /f "delims==" %A in ('dir /ad /b') do copy /b "%A\*.mp3" "%A.mp3"
If you launch this batch file in the folder, it will create several MP3 files joining files for every subfolder.

For example, if you have the following folders:
launching the command from c:\audiobooks\book1 will allow you to create cd1.mp3, cd2.mp3 and cd3.mp3.
cd1.mp3 will be the result of joining *.mp3 files from c:\audiobooks\book1\cd1 .
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