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Old 11-13-2006, 11:13 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: WMP 10 License problems

That is why I hate DRM. You legally purchase music and the next day say woolworths disappears or some other problem happens and you can't play legally purchased music anymore.

First of all, Paige, you should contact the support team of the service which music you can't play anymore and describe your problem.

And next time remove DRM protection from Windows Media files. Don't rely on any service that can violate your Fair Use rights!

p.s. IMHO drmv2lic.bak is not a license. You should have a DRM folder (Usually it is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\), but it is not visible by default in Windows.
You may try to find it clicking "Start"->"Search" and searching for "DRM".

You may try to re-individualize and re-acquire licenses, but don't forget to backup you DRM folder first.

p.p.s. You may remove DRM protection only if you have valid licenses and able to play the files.
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