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Old 06-02-2011, 07:32 PM
Brendon01 Brendon01 is offline
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Shipping in a container: Packing tips

Here are some packing tips I have found:

Clothing is the easiest to manage. Just put them in big garbage bags to protect them from moisture, neatly folded, then squeeze the air out and put them in cardboard boxes, tape the boxes up, and stick them in the container. Make sure they are freshly cleaned when you pack them so they don't get damaged from several days or weeks being stored away, especially anything silk or wool.

I highly recommend bringing your favorite clothes and everyday stuff with you in checked baggage. Even if you have to pay for extra bags, you will be happiest if you have your favorite and most-used things with you. It will help you settle in more easily and buy time until your container comes in.

As for kitchen items like dishes, framed photos, etc, pack those tightly and wrap each individual item in newspaper before you pack it. Much less damage that way.

Any more tips?
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Old 03-12-2013, 10:04 PM
brent brent is offline
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Re: Shipping in a container: Packing tips

In China ocean container shipping, there are some other things that should be paid attention to except for packing.

Pay attention to the related terms of shipment, especially focus on the type of transport and payment. As we know, the shipping company won’t accept the direct booking of the less than container load. And the ocean bill of landing of the shipping company will be given for freight forwarder. Then the freight forwarder will sign the HOUSE B/L for shipper. If the letter of credit does not accept HOUSE B/L, it will cause some unnecessary loss for the shipper. Besides, the weight and size of cargoes should be as accurate as possible. The data of your products should be clear as well.
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