01-12-2010, 06:54 PM
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 How to set up home recording studio: free ebooks and tutorials for the musician
Setting Up a home recording studio is tough. As you’ve probably found out there are a ZILLION possibilities when it comes to: - choosing the right gear
- troubleshooting technical problems
- understanding computer jargon
- making sense of the whole, dumb process
Killer Home Recording is an ebook that is wrapped around starting your own home recording studio and dives in how to handle,any and everything really.
From the author:

All this choice makes the entire process maddening. A person could chase their own tail for years and never decide on anything. Because of this epic ass pain, I’ve decided to break it down in plain English in the same way I would with my buddies .
When I wrote Killer Home Recording: Setting Up, my goal was to make the most definitive guide for initially putting together a modern home recording setup ever. I wanted none of the usual "fluff" that goes into the countless, worthless "Amazon" recording books out there. I simply wanted a kick ass guide that was void of all the politically correct crap for understanding what is really going on.
Custom Tailored For The Musician
Killer Home Recording is specifically tailored for the musician (drummers, bass players, keyboard players, and even guitar players) to minimize the damage and learning curve of jumping into home recording.
There are so many things that get in the way and so many features you need to be aware of as a drummer, keyboard player, bass player, or guitar player it’s hard NOT to screw up the buying process. Killer Home Recording: Setting Up goes into LOADS of details to make sure the musician or band member has exactly what he/she needs to jump in and kick ass at audio recording in the shortest amount of time.
Killer Home Recording explains how to set up home recording studio:- Standalone Recorders Vs Computer Recording
Not sure if a standalone recorder or a computer recording setup is right for you? Make the best long term decision for your specific situation. - Overview Of The Computer Recording Process
Not sure what the hell is going on? Most us had to learn the hard way. I’m bald for a reason. This covers the overall basic concepts of how the whole dumb thing works. I’m positive you’ll have that grand epiphany where it all makes sense WAY faster after reading this chapter. - Beginner Recording Gear Stuff
Not sure what mics, preamps, compressors, plugins, recording software, audio interfaces, cables, mic stands, headphones, headphone amps, etc you should buy? It’s a jungle out there. Let me help you. - Audio Interfaces
While covered in Beginner Recording Stuff, the audio interface has so many damn options it’s maddening. Let me help you find exactly what you need and avoid what you don’t. There are quite a few pitfalls that are rarely explained by the manufacturers BEFORE you buy. Don’t buy the wrong audio interface. - Recording Software
There are a number of key concepts that absolutely MUST be understood when selecting recording software. I see way too many people selecting their software on a whim and often times they come to regret the decision. I’ll save you a ton of time with this one. You won’t have to stress yourself out over choosing Cubase vs Pro Tools vs Sonar vs Digital Peformer vs Logic vs Reaper vs Audacity - Mac vs PC
This argument will be going on until one of them goes broke. I try to be objective as possible on this one and make it easier for you to select which computer is right for you. - PC Computer Stuff
All the "stuff" in the computer is often foreign to beginning home recorders. While you may not need to be able to rebuild an engine or swap a transmission, there are huge advantages to being able to change your own oil. So I cover those kinds of issues with PCs in this chapter. - Computer Performance Optimization
If you do decide to go with a PC there are a number of things that must be done to get it working reliably. It’s probably not ready for prime time recording right out of the box. - Cables
This is a super quicky chapter that explains all the various kinds of cables and basic cable concepts. (As dumb as that sounds there are definitetly a few cable concepts.) - Beginner Studio Construction
No, I don’t include any plans for building crap. You won’t have the inclination to run to the hardware store after this one. In this section I tear into some of the big time problems that everyone who gets out their circular saw seems to run into. You know the saying, "Measure twice, cut once, and then remember why the hell you are cutting in the first place." This chapter covers the latter. - Ideas For The Ultra-Broke Recorder
This is one of my favorite chapters. It’s for the guy with $8 to spend on recording gear. Some say it can’t be done. I say that’s a bunch of boloney. Granted, I’m not selling my German mics or high end monitors any time soon. However, I think I can help you scrape buy if you aren’t so endowed in the money arena. - Troubleshooting
A giant part of recording is cussing. Yeah, you heard me. If you haven’t been mad enough to cuss in a while, start recording. For those times, there are often specific measures that should be taken each and every time. I’m confident that I’m going to knock out most recording problems right off the bat with this one. More importantly, I’m positive that we can avoid most of them in the first place. - MIDI
Everyone who jumps into audio recording seems to struggle with MIDI. As a guy who’s used it day in and day out since 2001, there’s nothing to be scared of and you certainly don’t need to buy a dedicated book for it. Read this chapter and call it a day. - Glossary
No one getting started knows what "S/PDIF", "Q", or "Helmholtz Resonator" is. After reading Killer Home Recording: Settinng Up, you still won’t know what those mean, but that’s because no one reads glossaries for fun. However, if you do want to know what those audio terms mean, you know where the answer is.
You can download a chunk of the ebook for FREE at the moment:
Killer Home Recording: Setting Up
I have read about 12-15 pages of it and its quite incredible.
Do you have any other links to FREE ebooks or tutorials on setting up a home recording studio?
Thank you in advance!