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Old 09-05-2015, 03:17 AM
HorseTears HorseTears is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 12
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"ServeInvoke" & "AMF3 Object" Error - RTMPDump 2.4?

Hey all - new user of KSV's RTMPDump 2.4 ( I use this version because (a). Up until yesterday, it worked; (b). It had a patch which added a timestamp to dl files which prevented the application from automatically overwriting streams from the same URL - especially helpful on C@M4.

In the past 48 hours or so, the application is crashing every time I try to capture a C@M4 stream.

Here's the sequence of events:
  • Open RTMPDump Helper
  • Which automatically executes RTMPSuck
  • RTMPSuck Console Window Displays the following:
Streaming on rtmp://
  • Then, I Start Firefox
  • Visit on Firefox
  • In the RTMPSuck window a few lines of code briefly appear - I had to screencapture them before they completely disappeared. They read as follows:
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : cam4-chat98
flashVer : WIN 18,0,0,232
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp://
pageUrl :
  • Then, that code disappears and is replaced with dozens of lines of code each repeating the following:
  • Below that it reads:
ERROR: ServeInvoke, error decoding invoke packet
  • Then it repeats the first batch of code, though not everything reads the same, it now says (with the "app" value and "tcUrl" value much longer):
WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : cam4-origin198/_definst_/streams/9cc4ad6a-acd3-4165-bf88-7d5437802095?d72aff203277af6e2220a2dcf48cc235
flashVer : WIN 18,0,0,232
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp://
pageUrl :
  • Then below that it says:
ERROR: AMF3 Object encapsulated in AMF stream does not start with AMF3_OBJECT!
  • Then, I get a crash message for RTMPSuck:
rtmpsuck.exe has stopped working
A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notif you if a solution is available.

BTW, C@m4 cam never loads when RTMPSuck / RTMPDump Helper are active now. Just get a black screen on Firefox as though the stream is still loading. When they aren't active, cams load fine.

Any thoughts on what may be causing this crash error and what - if anything - I can do to fix it? Are others experiencing this issue? I'm not a programmer, developer, coder or computer scientist, so if it's not a simple anyone-who-can-browse-the-internet-can-do-it solution, I'm probably too dumb to figure it out.

My specs:
OS: Windows 8.1 (for now)
Firefox 40.0.03 (the latest version avail)
RTMPDump Helper
RTMPDump 2.4 (
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