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Old 01-04-2011, 11:37 AM
GrampaD GrampaD is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 4
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Thumbs up Download RTMP streams with RTMPdump

noob2001204! LOL my saviour!

I'm in an online class, I had to watch some SCCTV.NET videos for an exam but they were too choppy to view online and I had to figure out a way to download them and view them locally, thanx for helping me get an A dude!

noob's solution will work with *SCCTV.NET* streams, too!

You can get the latest version of RTMPDUMP from here:


Here's an example RTMPDUMP command line to get the "out of eden" video from Films On Demand:

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -s "" -p "" -o c:\video.flv
Because RTMPDUMP is a command-line utility, it can be scripted. I've written a script to download a set of videos, as many as you want, for windows VBScript, but if you're a *nix geek you can easily convert this into a SED, AWK, Perl, or shell script:
' This VBScript can download any number of RTMP streaming flash videos that video capture utilities 
' cannot normally process. This technique might even work for ClearChannel content and 
' exploits a trick at the following URLs:


' This VBScript requires the use of the RTMPDUMP command-line utility, currently found at:

' Each XTID is an individual file containing content.

Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

' The AID, whatever that is; it's usually static
strAID = "1850"

' The XTID array

Dim strXTIDs()

lngXTIDcount = 3
ReDim strXTIDs(3)

strXTIDs(0) = "40760"
strXTIDs(1) = "41977"
strXTIDs(2) = "40372"
strXTIDs(3) = "35135"
'ReDim Preserve sArray(3)

' Command line buildup parameters

strOutputPath = "c:\"

strRTMPDUMPpath = "rtmpdump.exe "

strRealSourceBase = "-r rtmp://"
strRealSourceTail = "_700.flv "

strFlashVideoClient = "-s"

strFakeSourceBase = "-p" & strAID & "&xtid="
strFakeSourceTail = " "

strOutputFileBase = "-o "
strOutputFileTail = ".flv"

strBuildup = ""

' RTMPDUMP execution loop
For lngLoop = 1 To lngXTIDcount
  strBuildup = strBuildup & strRTMPDUMPpath & _
               strRealSourceBase & strXTIDs(lngLoop) & _
               strRealSourceTail & _
               strFlashVideoClient & _
               strFakeSourceBase & strXTIDs(lngLoop) & _
               strFakeSourceTail & _
               strOutputFileBase & strOutputPath & strXTIDs(lngLoop) & strOutputFileTail & vbCrLf
  objShell.Exec strBuildup

' Cleanup and exit
Set objShell = Nothing
varToUser = MsgBox(lngLoop & " streaming videos processed", VBInformation, "RTMPDUMP Batch VBScript")
Again, thanx noob2001204! [[]]
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