Hey, i'm trying to run the
rtmpdump with the red5 server but i get the same error all the time:
Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
I'm able to run a jw Player with my red5 server so the video configuration must be ok.
I tried many different commands but it doesn't work. Has somebody an idea?
some things i tried out:
./rtmpdump -r rtmp://localhost:1935/oflaDemo/video.flv --app oflaDemo --flv video.flv oflaDemo/video.flv -o test.flv
./rtmpdump -r rtmp://localhost/oflaDemo/video.flv -y localhost/oflaDemo/video.flv -o test.flv
./rtmpdump -r rtmp://localhost/oflaDemo/video.flv -y http://localhost/oflaDemo/streams/video.flv -o test.flv