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Old 01-23-2013, 12:28 PM
dude dude is offline
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Rtmpsrv dependencies?

Hi. First off, I am not a guru so please bear with me. I have been enjoying rtmpdump a lot for the past few years. I use it mostly with rtmpexplorer. Anyway, here my weird situation. I have two machines. Both on Win7 64 bit. I have an exact copy of a folder containing rtmpexplorer and rtmpdump on both machines. On the one machine, rtmpsrv willl extract the rtmp link from certain streams so I can open it with VLC. On the other machine it does not work for the exact same stream that works on the first machine! I.e. rtmpsrv would simply not "see" anything. It is also worth mentioning that the "non-working" machine does work for certain links. So it is not the case that one machine works and the other does not work at all. I can also open the extracted rtmp link from the working machine on the non-working one. Somehow rtmpsrv does not behave the same on the two machines.

Any ideas why this is the case? Are there system-wide files, which "work with" rtmpsrv to extract the rtmp link of the stream?

I would be grateful for any pointers in the right direction.
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Old 01-26-2013, 08:46 AM
dude dude is offline
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Re: Rtmpsrv dependencies?

Originally Posted by dude View Post
Hi. First off, I am not a guru so please bear with me. I have been enjoying rtmpdump a lot for the past few years. I use it mostly with rtmpexplorer. Anyway, here my weird situation. I have two machines. Both on Win7 64 bit. I have an exact copy of a folder containing rtmpexplorer and rtmpdump on both machines. On the one machine, rtmpsrv willl extract the rtmp link from certain streams so I can open it with VLC. On the other machine it does not work for the exact same stream that works on the first machine! I.e. rtmpsrv would simply not "see" anything. It is also worth mentioning that the "non-working" machine does work for certain links. So it is not the case that one machine works and the other does not work at all. I can also open the extracted rtmp link from the working machine on the non-working one. Somehow rtmpsrv does not behave the same on the two machines.

Any ideas why this is the case? Are there system-wide files, which "work with" rtmpsrv to extract the rtmp link of the stream?

I would be grateful for any pointers in the right direction.
Hi guys. I found the problem! I stumbled over something called Pandora TV. I used TCPview to look at what is happening on the ports and saw Pandora TV occupying a lot of them. I do not even remember installing it. I have a suspicion that it installed itself with KMPlayer, which I recently updated. Either way. I removed KMPlayer and Pandora TV and now everything is back to normal and working perfectly!
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Old 01-26-2013, 05:31 PM
evol evol is offline
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Re: Rtmpsrv dependencies?

Yes Pandora is a p2p tv application from Korea based off KMPlayer.
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