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Old 08-11-2012, 10:33 PM
svnpenn svnpenn is offline
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RtmpDump, Windows builds

In response to moderator placebo banning me and removing my posts/threads, I
have to say this.

My build on has been pulled at my request. In
addition I will be pulling the builds on GitHub when the repo comes back up.
Those seeking Windows builds will need to use KSV, or build your own.

Finally this will be my last post on these forums until the current climate of
censorship and banning ceases. Further inquiries can be made to moderator
Old 08-12-2012, 04:40 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: RtmpDump, Windows builds

threads and posts on SRF treat delicate, precarious, sensitive topics. while the place serves to enhance the stream recording experience by receiving/giving technical help, it cant be realized at any price. our effort is to keep everything as clean, tidy, friendly, peaceful, respectful, harmless and safe as possible. the deletion/editing/censoring of spam/silly/bold/undesirable/compromising posts or threads particularly on this forum comes with the nature of the treated subject matter, is therefore natural and has a grand tradition.

If you want to fight or fight someone, take it elsewhere. You've been disrupting the peace of SRF with repeated provocative posts which annoyed members for justified reasons on the one hand and which do endanger the community (the SRF project and some of its valued members) on the other hand.

SRF is an internet board, a forum, or even a community if you will, but it certainly is not a democracy or free from moderation. Here, members have to learn to respect each other and behave nicely. Years ago it was me who effected the elevation of your member status from "member" to "Senior Member". As such, please try to conform to it, act as role model, respect your fellow boardie's urgent wishes, moderate yourself, and stop behaving childish here or elsewhere. You are mature, arent you?

And btw .. cleaning at mod's will .. what would the world be without the proper amount of censoring and censorship??

Have a good one everybody!
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