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![]() RTMPDump v2.1d and BBC iPlayerThese are the three batch files I use for downloading 'Listen Again' radio shows from the BBC iPlayer, for station Radio 4 Extra (formerly Radio 7), using RTMPdump.exe and RTMPsrv.exe v2.1d :
Note : The only edit needed each time is in line 2 of the first file, replacing the 8 zero's with the 8 digit PID - Programme ID - from the URL address of the iPlayer page that plays the radio show you want. Note : I set up these files on a test laptop that was running Windows 7. The HOSTS directory address on your computer may be different in earlier versions of Windows. Note : I am including an attachment containing all three of these batch files, plus some other files that I find useful. You'll just need to extract the .zip file to an empty directory and add your preferred version of RTMPDump.exe and RTMPsrv.exe (use v2.1d or later). Run #1 - Preliminary Matters + Start RTMPSRV.bat Code:
@echo off SET PID=00000000 :: ======================================================== :: cls SET open="C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" :: Open the Playlist page (to obtain Identifier) - %open% :: Create a URL for the MediaSelector page (to inject Identifier in) - echo @echo off>> MediaSelector.bat echo. >> MediaSelector.bat echo "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE">> MediaSelector.bat echo. >> MediaSelector.bat echo cls>> MediaSelector.bat C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE MediaSelector.bat :: ======================================================== :: rem *** Create "Run #2" Link *** IF EXIST Run#2*.PIF DEL Run#2*.PIF IF EXIST "Run #2.url" DEL "Run #2.url" IF EXIST "Run #2 - Play iPlayer.url" DEL "Run #2 - Play iPlayer.url" echo @ECHO OFF>> "Run #2.bat" echo "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" "">> "Run #2.bat" echo CLS>> "Run #2.bat" :: ================================================================= :: rem *** Create "Photos" Links *** echo @ECHO OFF>> Photos.bat echo.>> Photos.bat echo SET open="C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe">> Photos.bat echo SET url=>> Photos.bat echo.>> Photos.bat echo %%open%% %%url%%/%PID%_150_84.jpg>> Photos.bat echo %%open%% %%url%%/%PID%_178_100.jpg>> Photos.bat echo %%open%% %%url%%/%PID%_261_147.jpg>> Photos.bat echo %%open%% %%url%%/%PID%_303_170.jpg>> Photos.bat echo %%open%% %%url%%/%PID%_512_288.jpg>> Photos.bat echo %%open%% %%url%%/%PID%_528_297.jpg>> Photos.bat echo %%open%% %%url%%/%PID%_640_360.jpg>> Photos.bat echo.>> Photos.bat echo CLS>> Photos.bat echo.>> Photos.bat echo.>> Photos.bat :: ================================================================= :: rem *** Edit the HOSTS file *** IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\NOHOSTS REN C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\NOHOSTS HOSTS rem Replace line 1 with this: rem IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS_XX ECHO. IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS_XX ECHO HOSTS_XX already exists: Aborting! IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS_XX PAUSE IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS_XX GOTO END C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ATTRIB.EXE -R -S -H C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS REN C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS HOSTS_XX :: Next line: Setting prior to 1pm on 12 July '10 :: echo> C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS :: Next line: Setting FROM 1pm on 12 July '10 onwards echo> C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ATTRIB.EXE +R +H C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS cls :: ================================================================= :: rem *** Start RTMPSRV *** :: Start RTMPSRV.EXE and pipe the URLs it displays to a .BAT file :: to be used with RTMPDUMP to download the iPlayer file "C:\Users\dg\Desktop\General\iPlayer\- Recording iPlayer\rtmpsrv.exe" > RTMPdump_run.bat :END cls Run #3 - Run RTMPdump_run.bat Code:
@echo off rem *** Edit the HOSTS file *** rem Wait 8 Seconds echo. echo Wait 8 Seconds ... echo. @CHOICE /T 8 /C yn /D y > NUL cls rem Restore the normal line 1: rem localhost C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ATTRIB.EXE -R -S -H C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS_XX DEL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS_XX REN C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS_XX HOSTS C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ATTRIB.EXE +R +H C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS :: ================================================================= :: rem *** Run RTMPDUMP *** CALL RTMPdump_run.bat rem *** Rename the downloaded file *** :: REN *.MP4 *.flv rem *** Save the Download command *** COPY "Notes.txt"+"RTMPdump_run.bat" "Notes_New.txt" echo. >> "Notes_New.txt" DEL "Notes.txt" REN "Notes_New.txt" "Notes.txt" rem *** Save the SWFINFO file *** COPY "Notes.txt"+".swfinfo" "Notes_New.txt" echo. >> "Notes_New.txt" echo. >> "Notes_New.txt" DEL "Notes.txt" REN "Notes_New.txt" "Notes.txt" rem *** Open MediaSelector page *** IF EXIST MediaSelector.bat CALL MediaSelector.bat rem *** Tidy Up *** IF EXIST *.swfinfo DEL *.swfinfo IF EXIST RTMPdump_run.bat DEL RTMPdump_run.bat IF EXIST MediaSelector.bat DEL MediaSelector.bat IF EXIST Run#2*.PIF DEL Run#2*.PIF IF EXIST "Run #2.BAT" DEL "Run #2.BAT" :: ================================================================= :: :: Delete BBC Cookies DEL C:\Users\dg\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\dg@bbc.*[*].txt DEL C:\Users\dg\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\[*].txt DEL C:\Users\dg\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\[*].txt DEL C:\Users\dg\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\[*].txt DEL C:\Users\dg\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\[*].txt :: ================================================================= :: cls Run #4 - Rename FLV file.bat Code:
@echo off rem *** Rename the downloaded file *** IF EXIST *.MP4 REN *.MP4 *.flv setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%j in (RBN2_radio_4_*.flv) do ( set filename=%%~nj set filename=!filename:RBN2_radio_4_-_=! set filename=!filename:RBN2_radio_4_extra_-_=! set filename=!filename:monday=Mon! set filename=!filename:tuesday=Tue! set filename=!filename:wednesday=Wed! set filename=!filename:thursday=Thu! set filename=!filename:friday=Fri! set filename=!filename:saturday=Sat! set filename=!filename:sunday=Sun! set filename=!filename:_b00= [b00! set filename=!filename:_b01= [b01! set filename=!filename:_2011_01_=] 2011-01-! set filename=!filename:_2011_02_=] 2011-02-! set filename=!filename:_2011_03_=] 2011-03-! set filename=!filename:_2011_04_=] 2011-04-! set filename=!filename:_2011_05_=] 2011-05-! set filename=!filename:_2011_06_=] 2011-06-! set filename=!filename:_2011_07_=] 2011-07-! set filename=!filename:_2011_08_=] 2011-08-! set filename=!filename:_2011_09_=] 2011-09-! set filename=!filename:_2011_10_=] 2011-10-! set filename=!filename:_2011_11_=] 2011-11-! set filename=!filename:_2011_12_=] 2011-12-! set filename=!filename:~0,-9%! set filename=!filename:_= ! if not "!filename!"=="%%~nj" ren "%%j" "!filename!%%~xj" ) |
![]() Parse a BBC iPlayer MediaSelector XML file using JavascriptThis is a method for downloading an iPlayer file using a MediaSelector url (e.g. obtained from ).
The code, below, is the content for the file Download.htm (a file which runs Javascript). Create an empty text file using NOTEPAD.EXE and copy-and-paste the HTML code below into it. This type of Javascript requires Internet Explorer. Run the .HTM file from your hard disk, in Internet Explorer; it won't run if you upload it to the internet. To run it successfully, the user need only change the MediaSelector url highlighted in red (i.e. substitute the MediaSelector url of the iPlayer radio show you want to download). The .HTM file creates a .BAT (batch) file on your Desktop. Put RTMPDUMP.EXE in the directory C:\Program Files\rtmpdump in order to run this .BAT file. It downloads a media file with the extension .mp4 so you must alter that file's extension from .mp4 to .flv (and play it in GOM Player, or in Winamp 5.60 or later). The media file is an AAC file at 128 kbps (the highest quality used by the radio iPlayer). MP4 Audio using AAC at 128 kbps is an iTunes format file. Note - I have only been able to test this method using Internet Explorer 8, on a borrowed laptop running Windows 7. Code:
<html> <head> <title>Parse XML File</title> <!-- Downloading from a BBC iPlayer page --> <!-- This parses the elements in a MediaSelector xml page --> <SCRIPT> // Target XML file's URL address [MediaSelector URL] var url = "" ; var xmlDoc;'','_self'); function loadxml() { xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = readXML; xmlDoc.load(url); } function readXML() { if(xmlDoc.readyState == 4) { // This function is called on statechange // When the state reaches 4 this function reads the xml document // Create a Text File var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var fh = fso.CreateTextFile("MediaSelector.bat", true); for(i=0; i<xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media").length; i++) { bitrate = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].attributes.getNamedItem("bitrate").nodeValue ; encoding = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].attributes.getNamedItem("encoding").nodeValue ; if ( bitrate==128 && encoding=="aac" ){ fh.WriteLine( ':: Media tag #' + [i] ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET rtmpdump=C:\\Program Files\\rtmpdump\\rtmpdump.exe' ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET server=' + xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("server").nodeValue ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET application=' + xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("application").nodeValue ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET identifier=' + xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("identifier").nodeValue ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); var str1=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("authString").nodeValue ; fh.WriteLine( 'SET authString=' + str1.replace(/&/g,"^&") ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); var str2=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("identifier").nodeValue ; fh.WriteLine( '"%rtmpdump%" --protocol 0 --host "%server%" -a "%application%?%authString%" ' + '-y "%identifier%" -o ' + str2.slice(28,999) ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'pause' ); } } fh.Close(); } } </SCRIPT> </head> <body onload="loadxml();window.close()"> </body> </html> |
![]() Parse a BBC iPlayer MediaSelector XML file using JavascriptThis is a Batch file which performs the same function as the .HTM file in my post of yesterday (above).
@ECHO OFF :: *** MediaSelector ID *** :: Final 8 Characters SET ID=b01by95r :: Source - :: :: *** Create a HTM file *** ECHO ^<html^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^<head^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^<title^>Parse XML File^</title^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. ECHO ^<!-- Downloading from a BBC iPlayer page --^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^<!-- This parses the elements in a MediaSelector xml page --^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^<SCRIPT^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO // Target XML file's URL address [MediaSelector URL] >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO var url = "" ; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO var xmlDoc; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO'','_self'); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO function loadxml() >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO { >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO xmlDoc.async = false; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = readXML; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO xmlDoc.load(url); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO } >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO function readXML() >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO { >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO if(xmlDoc.readyState == 4) { >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO // This function is called on statechange >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO // When the state reaches 4 this function reads the xml document >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO // Create a Text File >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO var fh = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\\Users\\dg\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\MediaSelector.bat", true); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO for(i=0; i^<xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media").length; i++) { >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO bitrate = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].attributes.getNamedItem("bitrate").nodeValue ; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO encoding = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].attributes.getNamedItem("encoding").nodeValue ; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO if ( bitrate==128 ^&^& encoding=="aac" ){ >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '@echo off' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( ':: Media tag #' + [i] ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( 'SET rtmpdump=C:\\Data\\General\\iPlayer\\- Recording iPlayer\\rtmpdump.exe' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( 'SET server=' + >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("server").nodeValue ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( 'SET application=' + >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("application").nodeValue ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( 'SET identifier=' + >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("identifier").nodeValue ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO var str1=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("authString").nodeValue ; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( 'SET authString=' + str1.replace(/^&/g,"^&") ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '' ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO var str2=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media")[i].firstChild.attributes.getNamedItem("identifier").nodeValue ; >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.WriteLine( '"%%rtmpdump%%" --protocol 0 --host "%%server%%" -a "%%application%%?%%authString%%" ' + >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO '-y "%%identifier%%" -o ' + str2.slice(28,999) ); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO } >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO } >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO fh.Close(); >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO } >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO } >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^</SCRIPT^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO. >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^</head^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^<body onload="loadxml();window.close()"^> ^</body^> >> %temp%\temp.htm ECHO ^</html^> >> %temp%\temp.htm :: *** Run HTM file in Internet Explorer *** "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" %temp%\temp.htm :: *** Run MediaSelector.bat *** CALL %temp%\MediaSelector.bat |
![]() Download from BBC iPlayer - TV Show - Javascript methodThis is a method for downloading an iPlayer TV stream using its MediaSelector url.
Just like a radio show, a tv show/stream has its own unique 8-digit ID number, which is contained in the MediaSelector URL for that stream. It is displayed - amongst other places - on the Playlist xml page associated with the particular stream. That 8-digit ID (identifier) can be used in the javascript code set out below. See my other posts, above, for further details of the MediaSelector ID and how to find it. The HTML code, below, is the content for the file TV_Download.htm (a file which runs Javascript). All you need do is change the 8-digit ID number highlighted in red for the actual MediaSelector 8-digit ID of the tv show you want to download. If you alter the sections highlighted in blue, you can download instead a stream running at a different bitrate. Details of the available bitrates for each tv show are given in that show's MediaSelector page. Each tv show is offered by the BBC in half a dozen different bitrates, from 184 kbps to 1500 kbps. You can also choose either a LIMELIGHT server or an AKAMAI server for some bitrates. There is not much difference in video or audio quality between the two types, at any given bitrate; but there may be a difference in file size. If you open the .HTML file in Internet Explorer 8 or 9, and allow the javascript to run, it will create a .bat batch file at C:\MediaSelector.bat containing the download command. You then run that batch file to do the actual download. The tv show will, by default, download into your C:\ root directory. You must copy the program RTMPDUMP.EXE into the folder "C:\Program Files\rtmpdump" in order for this method to succeed. Quote:
![]() Re: Download from BBC iPlayer - TV Show - Javascript methodQuote:
![]() |
![]() Re: Download from BBC iPlayer - TV Show - Javascript methodAre you guys using this longwinded method for a particular reason?
![]() RTMPDump v2.1d ![]() |
![]() RTMPDump and BBC iPlayerI've posted this method, which combines RTMPDUMP with JavaScript, because I was asked - by PM - to suggest an easy method for choosing between the 9 different streams the BBC server provides for each tv show available on iPlayer.
For television, the BBC server offers 5 different bitrates, 4 of which are available from two different suppliers. My method makes it easy to specify the bitrate you want and the server you want. Most of the download methods available online don't give the user any choice at all as to bitrate or supplier, but merely capture a default version, determined either by the download program being used or by the iplayer software. I'm not aware of any other solution which gives the user complete control over which bitrate and supplier to use. A lower bitrate can be useful if you have a slow broadband connection or only a dial-up connection, and the size of the downloaded file can be different - even for the same bitrate - depending upon which supplier is chosen. Although this thread has discussed a particular version of RTMPDUMP, using Windows 7 I've not noticed that any version of RTMPDUMP is better or worse than any other. I've mainly used v2.1d as it happens. |
![]() Re: RTMPDump v2.1d and BBC iPlayerHere is a similar HTML file, the contents of TV_live.htm, for recording a live tv stream. This needs rtmpdump version 2.4 (at C:\Program Files\RTMPDUMP).
This is valid only for the AKAMAI server (won't work with a LIMELIGHT stream). It creates a .bat file in C:\ root which must be run to do the actual recording. Code:
<html> <head> <title>Parse BBC iPlayer XML File - Javascript Method</title> <!-- Downloading from a BBC iPlayer page --> <!-- This parses the elements in a MediaSelector XML page --> <SCRIPT> // Target XML file's URL address [MediaSelector URL] var url = ""; var xmlDoc;'','_self'); // This prevents the browser window prompting before closing function loadXML() { xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = readXML; xmlDoc.load(url); } function readXML() { if(xmlDoc.readyState == 4) { // This function is called on statechange // When the state reaches 4 this function reads the xml document // Create a Text File var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var fh = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\\MediaSelector.bat",true); // LEVEL 1 TAGS [Primary tags] // Specify the Level 1 tag to loop through var a = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("media"); // Loop instruction for (i=0;i<a.length;i++) { // Specify a target element within the Level 1 tag // Specified element must exist in ALL the Level 1 tags element1 = a[i].attributes.getNamedItem("kind").nodeValue; // create array [Line 50] // Conditional Filter // Pass only those tags that contain video data if ( element1=="video" ) { // Conditional Filter [Bitrate] // Pass only the tag that contains the desired bitrate element2 = a[i].attributes.getNamedItem("bitrate").nodeValue; // create array if ( element2==796 ) { // NOTE: The element "bitrate" can't be used as the primary filter at line 50, // because it's an element that does NOT exist in all primary level tags // LEVEL 2 TAGS [Child tags] // Loop through each Child tag var b = a[i].childNodes; // Loop instruction for (j=0;j<b.length;j++) { // Specify a target element within the Child tag // Specified element must exist in ALL the Child tags element3 = b[j].attributes.getNamedItem("supplier").nodeValue; // create array // Conditional Filter [Supplier] // Pass only the Child tag that contains the desired supplier if ( element3=="akamai" ) { // Write elements in selected Child tag to file fh.WriteLine( '@echo off' ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET rtmpdump=C:\\Program Files\\RTMPDUMP\\rtmpdump.exe' ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET protocol=' + b[j].attributes.getNamedItem("protocol").nodeValue ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET server=' + b[j].attributes.getNamedItem("server").nodeValue ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET application=' + b[j].attributes.getNamedItem("application").nodeValue ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( 'SET identifier=' + b[j].attributes.getNamedItem("identifier").nodeValue ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); var str1=b[j].attributes.getNamedItem("authString").nodeValue; fh.WriteLine( 'SET authString=' + str1.replace(/&/g,"^&") ); fh.WriteLine( '' ); fh.WriteLine( ':: *** Command Line : TV : AKAMAI ***' ); fh.WriteLine( '"%rtmpdump%" --live --verbose ' + '-r "%protocol%://%server%:1935/%application%?%authString%" ' + '-a "%application%?%authString%" -y "%identifier%?%authString%" ' + '-W "" ' + '-o "bbc_one_live_rtmp '+element2+'kbps '+element3+'.flv" ' ); } } // Close Level 2 } } } // Close Level 1 } } </SCRIPT> </head> <body onload="loadXML();window.close()"> </body> </html> |
![]() Play downloading stream using FFPLAYAny .flv or .mp4 video stream can be watched while the stream is still downloading, using the command line utility FFPLAY.EXE
The build to use (with Windows XP/Vista/7) is FFPLAY release 16573 - The ffplay syntax is - ffplay.exe -bufsize 4096 *.* The command line is (for example) - "C:\Program Files\FFPLAY\ffplay.exe" -bufsize 4096 *.flv If the stream is downloading as .mp4 rather than as .flv then change *.flv to *.mp4 instead Put that command line in a .bat batch file (e.g. play.bat) and put the .bat file in the directory in which the stream is downloading, then run the batch file. |
![]() Avoid receiving a Security PromptMy scripts - above - might cause the following security prompt (in Internet Explorer):
"An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?" To avoid receiving that prompt, in Windows 7 set the following Registry value: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0 "1201"=dword:00000000 |
![]() ![]() |
Tags: bbc, bbc iplayer, download, downloading, iplayer, record, recording, rtmpdump |
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