Hi I am having trouble with this rtmp stream . It works just for few seconds then stop !
C:\Users\MANEL\Desktop\RTMP dump>rtmpdump -r rtmp://
d-streamer_1 -a live -W http://www.etvshow.com/flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.1.swf -p "h
ttp://www.etvshow.com/?action=video" -e -y etvgold-streamer_1 -m 120 -o "2016.07
-livetv2-12.40.flv" -v
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2011-07-11 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: Can't resume live stream, ignoring --resume option
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: author
INFO: copyright
INFO: description
INFO: keywords
INFO: rating
INFO: title
INFO: presetname Custom
INFO: creationdate Sat Jul 16 01:06:04 2016
INFO: videodevice vMix Video
INFO: framerate 25.00
INFO: width 1280.00
INFO: height 720.00
INFO: videocodecid avc1
INFO: videodatarate 1000.00
INFO: avclevel 41.00
INFO: avcprofile 77.00
INFO: videokeyframe_frequency5.00
INFO: audiodevice Line In (Realtek High Definitio
INFO: audiosamplerate 44100.00
INFO: audiochannels 2.00
INFO: audioinputvolume 17.00
INFO: audiocodecid mp4a
INFO: audiodatarate 96.00
342.753 kB / 6.23 sec
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header. type: 47
343.024 kB / 6.25 sec
Download may be incomplete (downloaded about 0.00%), try resuming
rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -a live -W http://www.etvshow.com/flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.1.swf -p "http://www.etvshow.com/?action=video" -e -y etvgold-streamer_1 -m 120 -o %fileName% -v