Hi I'm having trouble with the ITV stream: it stops after 53s all the time. The sessionID works for a while from what I can tell but rtmpdump still stops after 53s regardless.
rtmpdump -r rtmpe://cp97930.live.edgefcs.net:1935/live/itv1liveeuro_600@6207?sessionId=82D61CD2-AD94-2D09-6DF6-F96DF34F1DAD -w http://www.itv.com/mediaplayer/ITVMediaPlayer.swf -p http://www.itv.com -f "WIN 10,3,183,68" -v | %vlc% -
WARNING: Couldn't parse swf hash hex string, not hexstring or not 32 bytes, ignoring!
WARNING: You haven't specified an output file (-o filename), using stdout
WARNING: Ignoring SWF hash, supply also the swf size with --swfsize
Connecting ...
WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 10
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: HandleCtrl: Ignoring SWFVerification request, use --swfVfy!
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 704.00
INFO: height 396.00
INFO: framerate 25.00
INFO: videocodecid 7.00
INFO: videodatarate 600.00
INFO: audiodatarate 64.00
4801.578 kB / 53.62 sec
ERROR: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (46 bytes)
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: 22293
4830.919 kB / 53.62 sec
Download complete
Also, when I try to save the output, it stops every 2s or so so it ends up merging different bits together. It also stops after about the same time (53s). Using -e didn't work for live or -o!
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 704.00
INFO: height 396.00
INFO: framerate 25.00
INFO: videocodecid 7.00
INFO: videodatarate 600.00
INFO: audiodatarate 64.00
268.031 kB / 4.02 sec
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 704.00
INFO: height 396.00
INFO: framerate 25.00
INFO: videocodecid 7.00
INFO: videodatarate 600.00
INFO: audiodatarate 64.00
413.121 kB / 0.07 sec
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: width 704.00
INFO: height 396.00
INFO: framerate 25.00
INFO: videocodecid 7.00
INFO: videodatarate 600.00
INFO: audiodatarate 64.00
586.855 kB / 2.10 sec
Can someone help?