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Old 05-13-2010, 06:22 AM
bricula bricula is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 4
bricula is on a distinguished road

rtmpdump on osx ... problem compiling

first of all: hello everybody, I am new to this forum, but I cannot solve the problem by myself...

I have a mac intel 10.5.8 and I need to download a rtmp file from the net. I have already the url (got it from a firefox plugin) but I can't find any software for download it, shareware or freeware...
I tried everything I found on google... flazr, rtmpdump and others that I don't remember (my trash bin has been empty)

Flazr seems to me a little bit too complicated, so I tried this softare here, rtmpdump.
I have installed the xtools from the osx dvd, without problems, I open terminal, "navigate" to the rtmpdump folder and I typed make posix....

make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
gcc -Wall rtmpdump.o librtmp/librtmp.a -o rtmpdump -lssl -lcrypto -lz
Undefined symbols:
"_mpi_init", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_sha2_hmac_update", referenced from:
_HMACsha256 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_swfcrunch in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
_swfcrunch in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
_swfcrunch in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_write_binary", referenced from:
_DHGetPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_free", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_havege_init", referenced from:
_RTMP_TLS_Init in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_set_ciphers", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_net_recv", referenced from:
_net_recv$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_net_recv$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_dhm_calc_secret", referenced from:
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_handshake", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_set_session", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_set_rng", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_net_send", referenced from:
_net_send$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_net_send$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_dhm_free", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_init", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_read_binary", referenced from:
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_lset", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_dhm_make_public", referenced from:
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_set_authmode", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_write", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Send in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_sub_int", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_exp_mod", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_arc4_crypt", referenced from:
_WriteN in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_ReadN in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Serve in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Serve in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_close_notify", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_fopen$UNIX2003", referenced from:
_OpenResumeFile in rtmpdump.o
_main in rtmpdump.o
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_copy", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_havege_rand", referenced from:
_havege_rand$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_havege_rand$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_read_string", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_sha2_hmac_starts", referenced from:
_HMACsha256 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_sha2_hmac_finish", referenced from:
_HMACsha256 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_arc4_setup", referenced from:
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_size", referenced from:
_DHGetPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_read", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Fill in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_free", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_cmp_int", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_default_ciphers", referenced from:
_ssl_default_ciphers$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_ssl_default_ciphers$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_cmp_mpi", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_set_bio", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_set_endpoint", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [rtmpdump] Error 1
make: *** [posix] Error 2

same result with rtmpdump 2.1c, 2.2c and 2.2d..... and the readme file sucks, if I can express my opinion...
so... have I missed a fundamental option, that is stated nowhere?

the thing that makes me mad is that I spent only a couple of hours to do so on Win... and there are 2 days that I search a way to do the same thing on the mac. bill vs steve 1-0.. and I am very sorry to say so...
Please do not tell me to download with parallels or with windows, because the mac is my fathers and he's a bit stubbon concerning the use of win on the mac...
any suggestion?
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Old 05-14-2010, 02:17 AM
bricula bricula is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 4
bricula is on a distinguished road

Re: rtmpdump on osx ... problem compiling


I have installed zlib-1.2.5 (without problems) and also openssl-1.0.0. This last gave me a couple of errors, but eventually I managed to install it with no final warning... but stil rtmpdump won't compile.. any suggestion?

At this point I even consider the possibility to download another software/command line software. Sometimes you have juts have to give up and face your limits (I refer to myself )
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Old 05-14-2010, 06:34 AM
hyc hyc is offline
RTMPdump team
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 169
hyc will become famous soon enoughhyc will become famous soon enough

Re: rtmpdump on osx ... problem compiling

Originally Posted by bricula View Post
first of all: hello everybody, I am new to this forum, but I cannot solve the problem by myself...

I have a mac intel 10.5.8 and I need to download a rtmp file from the net. I have already the url (got it from a firefox plugin) but I can't find any software for download it, shareware or freeware...
I tried everything I found on google... flazr, rtmpdump and others that I don't remember (my trash bin has been empty)

Flazr seems to me a little bit too complicated, so I tried this softare here, rtmpdump.
I have installed the xtools from the osx dvd, without problems, I open terminal, "navigate" to the rtmpdump folder and I typed make posix....

make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
gcc -Wall rtmpdump.o librtmp/librtmp.a -o rtmpdump -lssl -lcrypto -lz
Undefined symbols:
"_mpi_init", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_sha2_hmac_update", referenced from:
_HMACsha256 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_swfcrunch in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
_swfcrunch in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
_swfcrunch in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_write_binary", referenced from:
_DHGetPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_free", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_havege_init", referenced from:
_RTMP_TLS_Init in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_set_ciphers", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_net_recv", referenced from:
_net_recv$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_net_recv$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_dhm_calc_secret", referenced from:
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_handshake", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_set_session", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_set_rng", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_net_send", referenced from:
_net_send$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_net_send$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_dhm_free", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_init", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_read_binary", referenced from:
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_lset", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_dhm_make_public", referenced from:
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_set_authmode", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_write", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Send in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_sub_int", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_exp_mod", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_arc4_crypt", referenced from:
_WriteN in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_ReadN in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Serve in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Serve in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_close_notify", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_fopen$UNIX2003", referenced from:
_OpenResumeFile in rtmpdump.o
_main in rtmpdump.o
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_copy", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_havege_rand", referenced from:
_havege_rand$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_havege_rand$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_read_string", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_sha2_hmac_starts", referenced from:
_HMACsha256 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_sha2_hmac_finish", referenced from:
_HMACsha256 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_HashSWF in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_arc4_setup", referenced from:
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_InitRC4Encryption in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_size", referenced from:
_DHGetPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_read", referenced from:
_RTMPSockBuf_Fill in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_free", referenced from:
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHInit in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHGenerateKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_DHComputeSharedSecretKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_RTMP_Close in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_mpi_cmp_int", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_default_ciphers", referenced from:
_ssl_default_ciphers$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_ssl_default_ciphers$non_lazy_ptr in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_mpi_cmp_mpi", referenced from:
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_isValidPublicKey in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
"_ssl_set_bio", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
"_ssl_set_endpoint", referenced from:
_RTMP_Connect1 in librtmp.a(rtmp.o)
_HTTP_get in librtmp.a(hashswf.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [rtmpdump] Error 1
make: *** [posix] Error 2

same result with rtmpdump 2.1c, 2.2c and 2.2d..... and the readme file sucks, if I can express my opinion...
so... have I missed a fundamental option, that is stated nowhere?

the thing that makes me mad is that I spent only a couple of hours to do so on Win... and there are 2 days that I search a way to do the same thing on the mac. bill vs steve 1-0.. and I am very sorry to say so...
Please do not tell me to download with parallels or with windows, because the mac is my fathers and he's a bit stubbon concerning the use of win on the mac...
any suggestion?
Be more systematic in how you approach things. Computers require things to be done in a proper sequence. Your error messages show you are mixing files from different build attempts together, and the different attempts were obviously done using different options. Your post is misleading because you only show the final step, and you don't mention the options you tried on your previous attempts.

Start over. Go into the rtmpdump source directory, and type
  make clean
  make posix
The readme file is written for people who know how to compile code, not for novices. In terms of how any code gets compiled, there's nothing unusual in how rtmpdump is built...
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