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Old 08-16-2017, 02:52 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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RTMP Store and Play 1.0

Hi guys,

I would like to share my new app on this forum too.So with this app you can grab / store / edit / play / record / watch / debug and test play your RTMP streams and much more.In the app I use latest librtmp and it works similar as the rtmpdump commandline tool and you can use also almost all original rtmpdump commands (see synopsis).My main goal was it to build a tool to handle all streams at once in a GUI with a simple and quickly handling.I also added much extra features which should be helpfully to get more needed informations about streams if they don't play (special cases) or if you need to get stream datas manually.All necessary information about the app and features I wrote detailed into included text files and I also created four little videos how to use it and what to do in some special cases specially if you didn't know or worked with rtmpdump before.If yes then its of course a advantage for you.

I embedded two file into the app you do need to grab rtmp streams on fly running in your browser.Both files will created (if not present already) if you start the hook.The unhook function does restore original state back if processes are still present.The hook feature works similar as the RTMPDumpHelper tool and it does pipe the traffic to localhost so that rtmpsuck gets it without to record anything and just used to get the stream datas which you then can see in the app to work go on with them.You can use Firefox (flash hook),Chrome or InternetExplorer to use the hook function.The best choice would be Firefox and for Chrome not all sites are working (see video).
Embedded Files
- unpacked rtmpsuck.exe version (disabled record functions)
- ConnectHook.dll               (coded by me to hook processes)

System requirements
Windows x86 (32 bit)

- I coded the app in MASM (WinASM IDE) on Windows 7 and didn't test it on lower systems like XP now etc. 
- Installed VLC player
- Firefox or Chrome or Internet Explorer browser

Optional: SWF ID            (Check for running flash player / Chrome / IE / download for HMAC check)
          JPEXS Decompiler  (Find secureToken or custom command etc)

PS: Have fun with my app and maybe you will like to use it in the future so I tried my best (as good as possible for me) to create a simple and good alternative free app.Feedback or possible bugs reports etc are welcome of course.
RTMP Store and Play 1.0 + Videos.rar (36.10MB)
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Old 08-17-2017, 09:26 AM
wizard wizard is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

Is it possible that no one yet replied with a single thanks ???

I did not have the time to download it and test it but from what can be seen at the screenshot this seems like a great and useful app. Looking forward to see all it's capabilities in practice

Many thanks for sharing it !
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Old 08-17-2017, 07:49 PM
Damianonymous Damianonymous is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

I'm also surprised. I did not write, because getting to know the functions of this app will probably take me months
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Old 08-18-2017, 10:39 AM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

Hi again,

so I thought my app would create more resonance but maybe some of you haven't seen the potential yet specially for people who working offten or permanent with rtmpdump (like some of our adult content fans).

Don't worry about all functions of the app so they are really pretty easy to use and understand and the descriptions of them you can read in the text file.But also if something is still not clear for you etc then you can also just ask of course so thats no problem.The videos I made should also help to get a little entry how to use my app also for not advanced users.

Just give it a try and lets talk about it.Maybe you have another new interesting ideas I could add into a next version etc.

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Old 08-26-2017, 06:36 AM
p1020 p1020 is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

that is a nice app , and i am using it on windows 10 x64 , and i found some questions
1 .when i using play test & rec the app will closed.

2. when i open some website , it will tell me createremotethread api fail, so i can't got any dadta about the site. is easy way to get a rtmp link and better than rtmpdumphelper , and i just want to know how to use ffmpeg youtube-dl and steaklink download the rtmp link video use the RTMP Store catched ,and how to play on any other player ?
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Old 08-26-2017, 04:02 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

Hi p1020,

I made the app for x86 systems so I don't use x64.

CreateRemoteThread API used to create a thread into your running browser / flash if present during the injection of ConnectHook.dll if you press HookSuck / Un-Hook-Suck buttons.If you got failed message then it could be that you are using a x64 browser.If you choose process tab then check under row IA (x86 / x64 / NET) your browser type.Just try to use a x32 browser or start RTMP Store & Play with Admin rights and try again.

About play / rec functions.Do you mean you can't play or rec anything using any play / rec / watch function or just using play test & rec?Hard to say it without to debug the problem on your system.Do you get any exception infos?So I think it should be again any x64 issue.Sorry.By the way,if you do use a VM (VM Ware / VirtualPC / VirtualBox etc) then you could there install a new x32 OS to use it.Just only a info.Its a little bit work to install VM & OS but then you could use it as it should.I would give it a try in your case.

So from RTMP Store & Play you can only run it with VLC player.I didn't add a setting to use any other pipe able player.

For Streamlink / ffmpeg & Co you should check the docs of them about rtmp streams paramters.Most paramter are same just using = sign for large command arguments.In this case just test a little and make some notes to remember later.Of course its not so easy instead just using my app right. So just to copy the streamparamters and using them with Streamlink & Co isnt working so simple so these tools using other methods to read paramter arguments.No idea why they did that also if they using rtmpdump / librtmp.

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Old 08-27-2017, 02:51 AM
p1020 p1020 is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

thanks for ur answer, i use this app on x64 and x32 .

i just want to ask is it any webvideo and live can be catch? some web when i open it , i am not sure the web host using rtmplink or not, may be other Format like m3u8 HDS,on a link, does RTMP Store can be catch m3u8, HDS? or just for rtmplink?
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Old 08-27-2017, 02:11 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

Hi again,

oh ok so I thought you only do use x64 system.So about catching stream datas.In the tool I only use rtmpsuck what only can handle rtmp* streams.That means no HDS / HLS or just playing videos etc.So you could use other video downloader tools like NetVideoHunter AddOn for Firefox who can log other streams like HDS & HLS single ts files (same you can also see or follow in webconsole) and then you know its no rtmp stream.If both isnt working to get infos about the stream then you can use the Check Memory function in my app and search for tcUrl (you can choose them from the list) so a example about this you can also see in my added videos.Just watch it if you didn't yet.

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Old 08-28-2017, 02:49 PM
p1020 p1020 is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0

hi thanks for ur answer .
the app on win10 32bit will shut down when i use play and rec .

and do u know how to download more than 1 vid ? the rtmp can't, and streamlink can't. hope will add rec multiple link one time.

hope u share more teaching vids about how to use Wireshark, and RTMP Store catch different sever links .i use tool on firefox ,can catch the link , but cant play on vlc,not sure the correct if.
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Old 08-29-2017, 01:55 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: RTMP Store and Play 1.0


do you get any error messages if you press play / rec?I dont see any reason why it should just close if you press play or rec if you do use it on 32 bit OS.Try to get any error infos / exception log what windows should show you in that case (I didnt add exception Handling log).Maybe something else is the problem (AV or FW tools etc).If you are not sure etc then you could try to create a short video where I can see it.

What do you mean with how to download more than 1?If you check my videos then you can see that you can record so much streams as you want at same time (if my app works normaly but you seems to have any trouble with that).On the picture above you can see it to that it does record seven streams at once.

Unfortunately the response on this topic is very low to get more feedback whether app is working or not (also to verify whether other win 10 32 bit users have same trouble as you) etc.So I dont know how much users use the app and whether any updates or bug fixes make any sense in the future you know.

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