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Old 03-11-2010, 04:54 PM
sab0276 sab0276 is offline
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ReStream .asf from IP camera (Linksys WVC54GCA)

How do you re-stream video from an IP Camera that uses .asf format? does not do .asf format yet, and therefore does not support my IP Camera (Linksys WVC54GCA).

I do not have a server available to re-stream it myself.

Here is what I am trying to do. I would like to stream live video to the internet from a car that will doing the Cannonball Run One Lap of America. They will be travelling 3500 miles and racing at 9 different race tracks in 7 days.
I am planning on using Verizon Wireless 3G broadband with a DLink DIR-450 3G mobile broadband router for internet access while on the move.
The camera is limited in the number of concurrent streams it can handle. Also I would like for it to not have to do more than 1 stream at a time anyway as that will eat up my bandwidth allotment very quickly.
So, how do you re-stream video from an IP Camera that uses .asf format?

Any help, pointers,or suggestions for my project would REALLY be appreciated. Thanks.


p.s. I'm not sure if this should be here or in the re-broadcasting forum. Sorry if it is in the wrong place. Feel free to move it.
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Old 03-12-2010, 12:12 AM
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Re: ReStream .asf from IP camera (Linksys WVC54GCA)

Try to use freeware VLC. I'm not sure whether it supports your camera or not.
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Old 04-20-2011, 11:15 AM
anpoirier anpoirier is offline
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Re: ReStream .asf from IP camera (Linksys WVC54GCA)

Hi there
I have had many truble trying to restream my IP Camera untill I found a good cheap service here:, it is a spanish website but if you write them in English you will got your answers in English. They have a trial to test
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Old 08-06-2011, 02:48 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: ReStream .asf from IP camera (Linksys WVC54GCA)

Linksys WVC54GCA can be recorded and re-streamed. It might not be that easy for a newbie, but it is possible.

And although the camera can be accesses via Internet Explorer (with an ActiveX control) or using the Linksys IP Cam Think client. But the best thing is that you can access the camera using freeware VLC player
vlc.exe http://[camera[/url] address]/img/video.asf
and MPlayer:
mplayer.exe http://[camera[/url] address]/img/video.asf
Note that besides Windows Media stream
http://[camera address]/img/video.asf
you can access the Motion JPEG camera output
http://[camera address]/img/mjpeg.jpg
http://[camera address]/img/mjpeg.cgi

Besides watching the IP camera, you can grab a JPEG frame from it using mplayer:
mplayer.exe http://[camera address]/img/video.asf -frames 1 -vo jpeg:quality=100:maxfiles=1
And you can save the camera output using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg.exe -i http://[camera address]/img/video.asf -vcodec copy -b 800k output.asf
Note that this will record video only and will save it as output.asf video file. You should be able to play the recorded .asf file using Windows Media Player, VLC, MPlayer,...

If you want to convert Windows Media stream from this IP camera to flash, you can use ffserver:
Add the following to your ffserver.conf file
<Stream stream1.swf>   
Feed feed1.ffm   
Format swf   
VideoCodec flv   
VideoFrameRate 2   
VideoBufferSize 80000   
VideoBitRate 100   
VideoQMin 1   
VideoQMax 5   
VideoSize 352x288   
PreRoll 0   
Then you will get and FLV stream, that you can watch by embedding SWF player:
HTML Code:
<EMBED src="http://[FFSERVER]/stream1.swf" mce_src="http://[FFSERVER]/stream1.swf" width=640 height=480 type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></EMBED>
And of course you can use ffserver to re-broadcast the stream from IP camera to a flash server.
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