How to remove the "Press Esc to exit full screen mode." message in the Flash video (Adobe Flash Player)
If you get the "Press Esc to exit full screen mode." message in your video while playing it in the Adobe Flash Player (embedded into your browser)
you can patch Adobe Flash Player:
- Patching Adobe Flash Player for Firefox/Safari/Opera (Windows):
- Open the NPSWF32.dll file in any hex editor, go to address 0x722ED.
- Check that bytes are "0F 84 F2 00 00 00", and change them onto "E9 F3 00 00 00 90".
- Patching Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer (Windows):
- Open the Flash10d.ocx file in any hex editor, go to address 0x7259F.
- Check that bytes are "0F 84 F2 00 00 00", and change them onto "E9 F3 00 00 00 90".
Please make sure you patch the version mentioned above. Other versions need patches to be applied at a different address. For example:
Patching Adobe Flash Player for Firefox/Opera/Safari (Windows):
- Open NPSWF32.dll, go to address 0x721F9.
- Check that bytes are "0F 84 F2 00 00 00," and change them to "E9 F3 00 00 00 90"