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Old 02-18-2010, 10:46 AM
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Remove DRM from MPEG-4 Video File


This is all a bit new to me, so I apologize in advance if my question seems overly basic. I have searched this forum without luck regarding this issue.

In iTunes 9.0.3 on a MacTel OS X 10.5.8, I have legally purchased and downloaded a TV Show. The source file is easily located and is in 'MPEG-4 Video File' format. iTunes will not allow a user to create/burn a DVD which will play in a standard DVD player. Neither will burning software such as Toast, noting that the content is protected.

It is my desire to view the content I legally purchased solely in my own house on something other than my small workstation screen. In that vein, what is my best option for stripping the protection so as to burn a DVD for my own personal and private use?

I have read through the specs for some of the commercially available DRM removal softwares, however it is unclear to me if the protection can be removed for the MPEG-4 Video File format.

Thank you for any advice.
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Old 02-18-2010, 12:42 PM
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Re: Remove DRM from MPEG-4 Video File

You can re-record DRM protected videos using screen video capture software. That's what commercial DRM removal software does.

What file extension do your MPEG-4 videos have?

If you bought iTunes videos, not rented them, you can remove DRM protection with freeware Requiem. The latest version for Mac OS X is 1.8.17.

p.s. I think it is better to use a network media player than to burn DVDs from MPEG-4 videos. I don't really like Apple TV, but if you only buy videos from iTunes, it is probably the best choice.
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:16 PM
buldog1 buldog1 is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from MPEG-4 Video File

Thank you for your quick reply, and I am sorry that I did not originally mention that the file extension is m4v. AFA Requiem, their website states that it will only work with iTunes version 8.1 or lower, so I am out of luck there being on 9.0.3. Separately I have heard that Apple TV is not very good, and don't have a lot of financial resources anyway to allocate there. The DVD approach will be more cost effective for me I think.

It appears that other than Requiem, there are no other choices for DRM removal software on the Mac side. That being the case, would Soundtaxi be the best choice to unlock legally acquired DRM protected files on the PC side, including those with the m4v extension noted above?

Thanks again!
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:34 AM
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Re: Remove DRM from MPEG-4 Video File

Requiem works with iTunes 9:
why Is There Is No Info re DRM Removal for iTunes 9
You may have problems with the latest version, but you can always downgrade. Requiem is FREE, it is lossless and fast, so I recommend to use it!

Lossy DRM removal software just re-records your videos from screen, so you can actually use any screen video capture software instead. I don't see much sense in using lossy DRM removal software for videos, they are not much better than screen recorders. And screen recorders can be used not only for re-recording DRM-protected videos.

p.s. Consider time that you need for re-recording videos (if you use screen recorders and lossy DRM removal software), burning them to DVDs. IMHO it is better to spend this time working (through a freelance marketplace, for example) and then buy a player that you want.
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Old 04-01-2010, 06:15 PM
anacondon anacondon is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from MPEG-4 Video File

Very intriguing dialog here. I also am hitting the proverbial brick wall as is bulldog re: the impenetrable, territorial and all-around ridiculously-limiting-on-what-medium-to-listen/view-LEGALLY-purchased-files-on that is DRM. Two 30-minute programs were/are only available, after extensive searching since March 2009, via iTunes. I understand 'intellectual property' and the protection thereof but they've gone WAY too far with their extreme limitations as far as DRM.
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Old 10-29-2012, 09:02 PM
landry16 landry16 is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from MPEG-4 Video File

As we know, iTunes rented movie will expire in 24-hour once you watch it. Moreover, due to the DRM protection, you cannot enjoy the rentals on other video players. Do you want to get rid of these restrictions to enjoy the rentals anytime as you like?

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Old 12-06-2017, 06:13 AM
Sophialing Sophialing is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from MPEG-4 Video File

Is there any DRM protection from iTunes MP4 video files? It might be caused that your purchased iTunes movies are encoded with M4V. As for removing DRM protection from iTunes files, you can have a try of iTunes M4V Converter, which is an easy-to-use but professional DRM removal tool and can help you remove iTunes M4V DRM legally and convert them to multiple formats quickly.
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