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Old 01-22-2011, 10:48 AM
JakeB JakeB is offline
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Recorded stream won't play in VLC and Windows Media Player

Hi! Ive recorded a concert with both Hi-Q and Freerecorder, and it won't play. I listened to the concert as I recorded on the computer speakers, but when I click on the downloaded file, Windows Media player comes up and the progress monitor (the slider showing the seconds playing at the bottom) moves, but there's no sound. I've also tried playing it with VLC, but the results are the same. Now I've used Hi-Q before, not for a while now, and never used freerecorder before, and I had no problem hearing the file. I've even burned a copy before. What's wrong? When Iuse VLC, the properties of the file say it's a VLC MP3 file, and when I remove VLC the file is listed as Windows Media. Any and all responses will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Old 01-23-2011, 09:00 AM
Dude111 Dude111 is offline
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Welcome to the site......

It sounds like IT MIGHT BE a codec issue im not sure...

You say the stream plays but NO AUDIO?? (Sounds like a codec issue)

Your sure your volume isnt muted right?

Good luck
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Old 01-23-2011, 10:18 AM
JakeB JakeB is offline
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Re: Recorded stream won't play in VLC and Windows Media Player

Thanks for the response. My sound isn't muted---I can listen to other files. The file is from Wolfgang's Vault---a concert site. I can listen to the file there, but not the file I've recorded. As I said, I've recorded files from there before, but not in a few months. I have the latest version of VLC, so it should have all the codecs. When I play the file in either Windows Media Player or VLC, the slider moves showing it's playing, but there is no sound.
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Old 01-24-2011, 12:23 PM
Dude111 Dude111 is offline
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Can you please provide a link to a stream that this occurs on and ill try it and see what happens?


I found the site

But i dont know which stream (ANY??)
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Old 01-24-2011, 02:47 PM
JakeB JakeB is offline
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Re: Recorded stream won't play in VLC and Windows Media Player

Thanks for the response. The URL is: ign=110118

I just tried the demo of replay, and it records it, and I can listen to it. However, the demo only lets you record for 5 minutes. I'm guessing the problem has something to do with the VLC and windows Media Player format that they put the file in. The other 2 recorders copy the music as MP3, but whichever player I have currently installed changed the format to either VLCMP3 or Windows Media MP3. Thanks.
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Old 01-25-2011, 01:37 AM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: Recorded stream won't play in VLC and Windows Media Player

I just tried with both WM Recorder and Replay Media Catcher and was able to play back just fine. i need to install freecorder to test it though....let me know if you make progress in the meantime
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