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Old 11-30-2005, 05:57 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Record .NSV (Nullsoft video) and .NSA (NullSoft Audio) from Ultravox UNSV:// servers

CoolBeans is a command line utility that can download .NSV (Nullsoft video) and .NSA (NullSoft Audio) from Ultravox UNSV:// servers.

CoolBeans usage:
CoolBeans <url> <option>

The url must start with http:// and end with .nsv

Examples of a Ultravox .NSV video URLs


Both stream will play in Winamp. You may also use any download manager to record the http protocol file, buy it won't play correctly.
The file can be downloaded with the http protocol URL, but it will not play correctly.

To download the http protocol file that will play correctly use CoolBeans.
If you have a unsv URL, you may safely change unsv:// onto http://

How to use Coolbeans:
1. Download CoolBeans from or
2. Unzip into c:/streams
3. Click "Start" button.
4. Click "Run...".
5. In the "Open:" field enter the following:
6. Click "OK"
7. The file named evanescence_everybodysfool_amlive_04_700.nsv will be downloaded to c:/streams. You shouldn't have any problem playing the downloaded file with Winamp.

p.s. You may also use the other NSV/NSA stream recorders like NSV Recorder, RadioRipper to record streaming audio and video from Winamp. Replay A/V also supports NSV stream recording since v.7.11.
All of the programs are free or free to try.
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File Type: zip (11.7 KB, 76 views)

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 04-05-2006 at 02:13 AM.
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Old 11-30-2005, 07:06 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

NSV Loader v0.1 - A Batch Downloading Frontend for CoolBeans NSV downloader

You only have to add a bunch of URL`s to a textfile and then doubleklick on a Icon. It will automaticly download all the NSV Files in the list.

(Documentation inside)

In the next version Tscherno promised to try to add an encoder
that can convert NSV to MPEG or AVI.

NSV Loader was made by Tscherno I wrote this for his own use, so it's not very comfortable.

Have fun:
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Old 11-30-2005, 07:07 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

To find the URL of AOL's .NSV stream use
URL Snooper or Packet Sniffer software like free Project URL Snooper.
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Old 11-30-2005, 07:12 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Getting URLs of AOL's .WMV streams (Windows Media)

1. Play the video in AOL Media Player (it will pop up when you click on the video)
2. Right click near the video playing and select 'View source'.
3. The notepad window that will appear should say 'video.index'. If it doesn't, repeat step 2.
4. Hit CTRL+F (to open Find window) then type "fugu" into the box.
5. Keep on hitting the "Find next" button until you get to the last 'fugu'.
6. This is the hard part so follow these instructions exactly
For example I will take this bit of code:


Copy the highlighted bit (it starts with "/aol" and ends with the semi-colon) to the clipboard?
7. Add "_700.wmv" without the quotes to the end of the code you copied (or try with other bitrates: "_460.wmv", "_320.wmv", "_120.wmv", "_28.wmv").
8. Finally, copy all of the code you have left, so it looks like this:
9.Then just before the "/aol" part, add this little address:



so you end up with:


WM Recorder is the best stream recorder for Windows Media streams.
More MMS Windows Media recorders can be found at All streaming media recorders page.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-30-2005 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 11-30-2005, 08:15 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Getting URLs of AOL's .RM streams (Real Media audio and video)

1. Play the video in AOL Media Player (it will pop up when you click on the video)
2. Right click near the video playing and select 'View source'.
3. The notepad window that will appear should say 'video.index'. If it doesn't, repeat step 2.
4. Hit CTRL+F (to open Find window) then type "fugu" into the box.
5. Keep on hitting the "Find next" button until you get to the last 'fugu'.
6. This is the hard part so follow these instructions exactly
For example I will take this bit of code:


Copy the highlighted bit (it starts with "/aol" and ends with the semi-colon) to the clipboard?
7. Add "_bb8.rm" without the quotes to the end of the code you copied for video streams or ".rm" for audio streams.
8. Finally, copy all of the code you have left, so it looks like this:
9.Then just before the "/aol" part, add this little address:


so you end up with:


RM Recorder is the best stream recorder for Real Media files streamed through the RTSP protocol.
More RTSP Real Media recorders can be found at All streaming media recorders page.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-30-2005 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 11-30-2005, 10:16 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Getting URLs of AOL's .Mov streams (QuickTime video)

1. Play the video in AOL Media Player (it will pop up when you click on the video)
2. Right click near the video playing and select 'View source'.
3. The notepad window that will appear should say 'video.index'. If it doesn't, repeat step 2.
4. Hit CTRL+F (to open Find window) then type "fugu" into the box.
5. Keep on hitting the "Find next" button until you get to the last 'fugu'.
6. This is the hard part so follow these instructions exactly
For example I will take this bit of code:


Copy the highlighted bit (it starts with "/aol" and ends with the semi-colon) to the clipboard?
7. Add "" without the quotes to the end of the code you copied.
8. Finally, copy all of the code you have left, so it looks like this:
9.Then just before the "/aol" part, add this little address:

so you end up with:

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-30-2005 at 11:29 AM.
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Old 01-25-2006, 02:05 PM
Initial_C Initial_C is offline
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Frame not synchronized


Can someone help me with this... when i use coolbeans and run it, and when i press enter i get "Frame not synchronized". Can anybody tell me what it mean...

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Old 01-26-2006, 12:29 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

What stream are you trying to record, Initial_C?
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Old 01-27-2006, 02:51 PM
Initial_C Initial_C is offline
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I found a page where i can see great movies and Anime. The link is on the attachment...
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File Type: txt Stream link.txt (142 Bytes, 25 views)
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Old 01-27-2006, 08:55 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Get stream URL first, then record the stream

Originally Posted by Initial_C
I found a page where i can see great movies and Anime. The link is on the attachment...
First of all, try to find a stream URL:
1. Play you stream
2. Use URL Snooper or packet sniffer software like free Project URL Snooper.

Then try to record again.
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