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Old 11-02-2007, 12:15 PM
nonna nonna is offline
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Record/Capture/Download/Rip/Save Music from Deezer

I can't seem to get music from Deezer to download.

It seems to be behind a Flash player, but my usual tools don't work. I tried Replay Media Catcher and WM Recorder.

I imagine Replay Music would work as it records everything through the sound card. However, I would like to save/download the file directly though.

I don't know if I need to add a MIME type to Replay Media Catcher to make it work. If there is one that I need to add what would it be?

And I don't know why the types of things WM Recorder can get isn't covered in whatever Dezeer is using. Anyone know what Dezeer is using?

Any help to be able to save/download these files is appreciated.
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Old 11-03-2007, 04:06 AM
Kron Kron is offline
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Re: Save Music from Deezer

It is possible, but I have the feeling helping you with this one would not be right. I mean, I see no difference in using p2p software.
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Old 11-12-2007, 01:10 PM
Stream Recorder
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Using Activity Monitor of Safari web-browser to Save Music from Deezer

  1. Open Safari web-browser. Open its Activity Monitor (cmd-opt-a, or in the pulldown under Window). Move the Activity Monitor so that you can see it alongside the browser window.
  2. Navigate to Deezer
  3. Find a song on Deezer, but don't play it yet.
  4. Find the Deezer page's link in the Activity Monitor and click the "triangle-reveal-thingy" on the link's left to show the contents of that page.
  5. In the Safari browser, click Play on the tune.
  6. Look in the Activity Monitor on the items listed below the Deezer page link. The one that's growing/streaming, says 0.3 (0.4, 0.5, 0.6) of "X"mb, that's your boy.
  7. Option-double-clicking on that growing link will download it to your drive.
  8. The file on your drive will have some nonsensical name of letters and numbers. Rename it to .mp3 file.
  9. Now it's ready to open with your MP3 music player.

This technique works for lots and lots of stuff, movies, pictures, audio, etc., but it is limited to http:// links only.

The trick doesn't work anymore. When trying to save the link you get the following warning:
You've tried to access a protected content.
We inform you that your IP address: localized in France has been recorded in our data base.

We recall you that this behaviour is totally forbidden and reprehensible by the law.

BLOGMUSIK SAS Company will inform all competent authority in acse of abuse.
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Old 11-12-2007, 01:20 PM
Stream Recorder
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Using freeware URL Snooper to Save Music from Deezer

  1. Run freeware URL Snooper.
  2. Click "Start sniffing" in it.
  3. Open your browser and navigate to deezer and start playing a tune with it.
  4. In the URL Snooper search for the URLs having something like string.
  5. Download an MP3 song from "" using any download manager or your browser.

The trick doesn't work anymore. When trying to save the link you get the following warning:
You've tried to access a protected content.
We inform you that your IP address: localized in France has been recorded in our data base.

We recall you that this behaviour is totally forbidden and reprehensible by the law.

BLOGMUSIK SAS Company will inform all competent authority in acse of abuse.
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Old 11-12-2007, 01:31 PM
Stream Recorder
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Using Firefox web-browser and DownloadHelper extension to Save Music from Deezer

  1. Run Firefox
  2. Install DownloadHelper add-on and restart Firefox.
  3. Open "Customize Toolbar" dialog. Find the icon for DownloadHelper and drag it onto the toolbar at the top.
  4. Right click on the icon of Download helper -> Preferences -> MediaReq tab. Add "php" as a supported extension.
  5. Navigate to deezer and play a song that you want to download.
  6. You should see the icon of DownloadHelper being animated (spinning) now.
  7. Click on the down arrow on the icon (not on the icon itself). Then click on cacheDiffusion.php and in the Save file dialog, name it to filename.mp3.
Note that it is not possible to download more than one song (like all the songs in a playlist) at a time from this site.

The trick doesn't work anymore. When trying to save the link you get the following warning:
You've tried to access a protected content.
We inform you that your IP address: localized in France has been recorded in our data base.

We recall you that this behaviour is totally forbidden and reprehensible by the law.

BLOGMUSIK SAS Company will inform all competent authority in acse of abuse.
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Old 11-12-2007, 01:51 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Getting Music from Deezer from the Temp folder of a user

  1. Navigate to deezer and play a tune.
  2. On your local computer open the following folder:
    C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp
    You can open it by going to Start -> Run, typing %temp% and clicking the OK button.
  3. Find for a folder called plugtmp-[some_number]. You want the folder with the highest number after plugtmp- (the first and oldest plugtmp folder will have no -[number] part in the folder name).
  4. You should find a bunch of files called cacheDiffusion.php or cacheDiffusion-[number].php.
  5. If not, then go to the folder with the next lower number until you find the files.
  6. Rename the .php file to .mp3.
  7. You can now play the mp3 file with your favorite MP3 player!
For whatever reason the trick doesn't work. May be the trick works with a web-browser other than Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Obviously this trick as well as other non-working ones posted here for educational purpose only. You can use them with a service that doesn't prohibit saving music! Deezer clearly states that saving music from it is illegal!
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Old 11-12-2007, 02:31 PM
Stream Recorder
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Getting Music from Deezer using Tamper Data extension for Firefox web-browser

  1. Open the Firefox web-browser
  2. Download and install the Tamper Data extension for Firefox. Restart Firefox.
  3. Set up Tamper Data to force Firefox to cache everything, even if the server requests that the data not be cached (which is what Deezer does). So, when you play a song in Deezer’s player with Tamper Data on, the song is forced into the cache - and that’s where you can find it!
  4. Navigate to deezer and play a tune.
  5. Open the cache folder of your Firefox. You can also type "about:cache" (without quotes) in the address bar and click enter to find the list of Cache Entries and the path to the cache folder.
  6. Look for the big entry with the name CacheDiffusion.php; this is the song. Click the link.
  7. Refresh the page; if the data size changes, the song hasn’t finished loading, and you should wait.
  8. Once the song has loaded, set Firefox to Work Offline, just in case; we don't want to accidentally make any extra requests to Deezer’s servers.
  9. Right click on the link and save as songname.mp3. If Tamper Data comes up, okay the request; nothing is being sent out, though, because we’re in Firefox’s offline mode.
  10. Cleanup: turn Tamper Data off and turn off the offline mode.
The trick doesn't work for me. When trying to save the link you get the following warning:
You've tried to access a protected content.
We inform you that your IP address: localized in France has been recorded in our data base.

We recall you that this behaviour is totally forbidden and reprehensible by the law.

BLOGMUSIK SAS Company will inform all competent authority in acse of abuse.
Obviously there is some kind of problem with clicking on the link from the cache. Why should one do that? You can wait until the song finishes playing and grab the song from the cache folder of the Firefox.

The problem is that Tamper Data doesn't cache these entries even though the forced caching option is turned on.

This trick is posted here for educational purpose only. You can only record music from services that doesn't prohibit saving music from them! Deezer clearly states that saving music from it is illegal!
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Old 11-12-2007, 03:00 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Getting Music from Deezer using Tamper Data extension for Firefox web-browser

Obviously Deezer have a weak content protection. For whatever reason my Internet Explorer 7 caches their music. And there is a Dysnomia Project that created a flash plug-in pretending to be Deezer flash plug-in. Besides computer geeks can easily analyze post request to deezer server so that it will be easy to download music from Deezer.

But all the tricks violate the ToS of so you shouldn't use them!

As for Deezer, they should probably use proprietory music protocols and/or formats. Otherwise not only direct sound recording software will be used to get music from their service.

Besides they should state clearly on every page that recording music from the service violates their ToS.
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Old 11-13-2007, 08:04 AM
nonna nonna is offline
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Re: Save Music from Deezer

Thanks for all the hard work. I get similar messages too.
I was just interested to see if it could be done, not to do anything wrong.

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Old 10-06-2008, 11:09 PM
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Re: Save Music from Deezer

It's a old post but I haven't found a page with a method that is working. I found a work around, it's long but it works.
You will need a software call Unlocker, you can get it from Install it, it's pretty straightforward.
  1. Go to Deezer and play a tune.
  2. Go to temporal folder doing Start -> Run, typing %temp%
  3. Find a file with the name flaXXX.tmp, this is the song.
  4. Left click on it and use the Unlocker.
  5. Use the Copy Action and save the file with .flv extension.
  6. Now you can play the .flv or convert it to mp3.
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