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Old 09-30-2007, 03:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Problem recording Real Media .RM university lecture and converting it to MP3

Hi guys!

I have a hard time recording some university lectures in the RM format.

Heres an example: Lecture

There are several problems.

1. I can record the lecture using RM Recorder 10.2. BUT, its very strange because there is some error with the video stream, when playing the file the moving picture isn moving at all, its just a still.

Since the video stream isnt really my main interest here I would like only the audio stream, but when I try to convert the full RM-file using Total Video Converter that isnt working either... For some strange reason it register the audio stream to 0 kbit/s!

Its impossible to convert the video file to a MP3-file.

The lectures are really low quality audio/video so I wouldnt want any more quality loss. Thats why I dont simply just record the audio from the speakers.

I really want to capture just the audio stream, OR in some way extract the audio stream from the video file I streamed down.

Please test yourselves and see if you have the same problems.

How do I solve these annoying problems?
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Old 10-04-2007, 12:07 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Problem recording Real Media .RM university lecture and converting it to MP3

I prefer to download video lectures with download managers. For Real Audio and Real Video streaming lectures I prefer to use NetTransport.

Why? Because it can get the list of stream URLs from a web-page and download them. When you have 20 lectures you don't have to play all of them so that RM Recorder can record them. You just navigate to a web-page with all the links to these 20 lectures, right-click on it and select "Download All..." to download multiple streams!

As for RM to MP3 conversion, please read the following thread
Problem converting recorded Real Media .RM stream to MP3
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Old 10-17-2007, 03:53 PM
Posts: n/a

Re: Problem recording Real Media .RM university lecture and converting it to MP3

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
I prefer to download video lectures with download managers. For Real Audio and Real Video streaming lectures I prefer to use NetTransport.

Why? Because it can get the list of stream URLs from a web-page and download them. When you have 20 lectures you don't have to play all of them so that RM Recorder can record them. You just navigate to a web-page with all the links to these 20 lectures, right-click on it and select "Download All..." to download multiple streams!

As for RM to MP3 conversion, please read the following thread
Problem converting recorded Real Media .RM stream to MP3
Thanks. Great tip!

Regarding NetTransport, Im not sure I fully understand what you mean?

This list of lectures for instance:
List of lectures

Are you saying I could easily mass download all of those lectures in some very easy way?

It would be VERY hand to find a software were you could just visit a webpage and download say every link on that page with just a few strokes!

Could NetTransport do that? Or do you know of any other software that could do that?
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Old 10-18-2007, 12:19 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Problem recording Real Media .RM university lecture and converting it to MP3

Originally Posted by Mnemonic View Post
Regarding NetTransport, Im not sure I fully understand what you mean?

This list of lectures for instance:
List of lectures

Are you saying I could easily mass download all of those lectures in some very easy way?

It would be VERY hand to find a software were you could just visit a webpage and download say every link on that page with just a few strokes!

Could NetTransport do that? Or do you know of any other software that could do that?
Offline Explorer Pro can download complete web-sites and folders. It is the only offline browser I know that support streaming media recording.

NetTransport can download all the links mentioned on some web-page or just some selected links (you can filter them by protocol, file extensions,...)
Say on the following web-page
we have direct links to several streaming media files (actually to metafiles). So if I right click on such a page and select "Download all by NetTransport" and then select the links to streaming media files I need, I will download them with ease. And I don't need to play every stream or to copy every link from the web-page and create a new download for it.

Also NetTransport has site explorer that can significantly simplify the search for streaming media URLs from the web-site you mentioned.
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