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Old 05-06-2013, 05:07 AM
JRichar JRichar is offline
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Problem capturing ITVPlayer

I am an inexperienced user of RtmpExplorer, but I have been successful in downloading video from BBC iplayer using the following the method described in forums on this site.
1. Open RtmpExplorer ( Rtmpsrv opens automatically ).
2. Close down Rtmpsrv
3. Navigate to the url containing the required video and play it
4. Pause the video during the BBC logo screen and then open Rtmpsrv
5. Start the video again, and Rtmpsrv captures all the required parameters for use in RtmpDump
6. Clear down both RtmpExplorer and rtmpsrv
7. Open notebook and edit command.bat so that only the last entry is used
8. Run command.bat, and the video downloads as seen in RtmpDump
This procedure works ok, no problem at all.
However when I try to use the same procedure using ITViplayer, I never manage to capture anything in Rtmpsrv.
When a video is started, the ITV logo begins, followed by three adverts, and then the actual programme. I have tried starting Rtmpsrv at various times between when the ITV logo starts and when the actual video begins, but nothing is ever captured.
I can't seem to find anyone in the posts having a similar problem, so I must be doing something wrong, any advice would be appreciated.
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