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Capture/record HD gameplay on the newest MacBook PRO 2011 (Thunderlbolt,Firewire 800)


kenvinlee89 07-20-2011 02:09 AM

Capture/record HD gameplay on the newest MacBook PRO 2011 (Thunderlbolt,Firewire 800)


What is the best way to capture/record HD gameplay on the newest MacBook PRO 2011. It comes with usb 2, firewire 800 and Thunderbolt ports, so the only solution I see now is Blackmagic H.264 Pro Recorder ($495), but it is pretty expensive. Any other options?

Stream Recorder 07-25-2011 05:55 AM

Re: Capture/record HD gameplay on the newest MacBook PRO 2011 (Thunderlbolt,Firewire

For recording 1080i and 720p gameplays from component input, you may use USB 2.0 devices:
For recording 720p/1080i/1080p gameplays from HDMI you may use Blackmagic H.264 Pro Recorder. It is a USB 2.0 device as well.

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