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NBA Development League (NBDL.COM) streaming... is it possible to download?


D-Nasty1 06-29-2011 02:46 PM

NBA Development League (NBDL.COM) streaming... is it possible to download?

If u go to NBDL.COM and go to nba futurecast and then to the archive:


Now there, I want yall to tell me if there is a way u can go to the callander, choose a game, ull see the HQ streaming down, and DOWNLOAD it with a link.
since there are many games Id like to know if theres a way without disturb yall 2 much.

Hope u get my point and let me know if its possible.

ur awsome

D-Nasty1 06-29-2011 03:30 PM

Re: NBDL.COM streaming... is it possible to download?

cant download from _ links even though they end wit .flv
the filesize is 300bytes which is impossible since the files are suppose to be NBDL full games.
Any other tips?
and can u try get a 2010-2011 games lists/downloads links?

KSV 06-30-2011 05:59 AM

Re: NBDL.COM streaming... is it possible to download?

Archive links are actually xml files which contain actual rtmp link. you can download it with rtmpdump.

XML File:



rtmpdump.exe -r "rtmp://" -y "flash/dleague/futurecast/.uid.Ma4hAQCczrJ01SWVsAa4969346cb766e22622cd42f95e9283a.archive_tuliwa_041810" -o Test.flv

D-Nasty1 06-30-2011 10:04 AM

Re: NBDL.COM streaming... is it possible to download?

didnt really understand how its done and how i get the download link from...
hope u can try help me again

chap 06-30-2011 12:49 PM

Re: NBDL.COM streaming... is it possible to download?


Originally Posted by D-Nasty1 (Post 30546)
didnt really understand how its done and how i get the download link from...
hope u can try help me again

then try StreamTransport,it's quite simple.

D-Nasty1 07-01-2011 04:09 AM

Re: NBDL.COM streaming... is it possible to download?

hey but will it help me to get videos from that NBDL futurecast player easily?

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