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Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player


cwadhwa 05-31-2011 11:42 PM

Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player


For some urgent work i need to burn the DVD with good quality video. I have got videos in wmv format. I want to burn them on DVD so that it plays on any DVD player. I am really confused on this :-(
Please help!

1) Which format should be burnt on DVD so that it could play on any DVD player?

2) I tried mp4 format, it plays on PC but does not play on DVD player.

Stream Recorder 06-01-2011 04:24 AM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player

You need to create a DVD-Video disc. You can convert WMV files to DVD-Video using freeware Handbrake, paid AVS Video Editor + DVD Authoring , Replay Converter,...

Alternatively you can record your videos from screen into DVD format using software like Replay Video Capture / WM Capture. Both programs create a DVD .ISO image that can be stored on a hard drive or burnt to a DVD.

cwadhwa 06-01-2011 09:32 PM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player

Hi, Thanks for your prompt reply.

I am a newbie in video recording so my questions might be of a learner.

A couple of more questions -

1) If i use any of the converter you have mentioned - which format will it convert wmv into? Will it be VOB format?

2) These videos are my mentor's precious lectures. wmv are the files which is the o/p of a editing software. Which format is the best to burn them on DVD so that it gives us the best quality.

3) In past, i have used a couple of converters. They do the job - convert it into vob but they degrade the quality of video. You have suggested a couple of converters. Can you suggest the best one out of them?

Stream Recorder 06-02-2011 02:07 AM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player


Originally Posted by cwadhwa (Post 29654)
1) If i use any of the converter you have mentioned - which format will it convert wmv into? Will it be VOB format?

The above mentioned programs allow you to create DVD-Video discs, so you don't need to care about file formats.


Originally Posted by cwadhwa (Post 29654)
2) These videos are my mentor's precious lectures. wmv are the files which is the o/p of a editing software. Which format is the best to burn them on DVD so that it gives us the best quality.

Bad choice of editing software. If you use Movie Maker, try to get the latest version.

DVD-Video uses MPEG-2 format. You can also burn your WMV files onto DVD, if you don't need to play your files on any DVD player.


Originally Posted by cwadhwa (Post 29654)
3) In past, i have used a couple of converters. They do the job - convert it into vob but they degrade the quality of video. You have suggested a couple of converters. Can you suggest the best one out of them?

The quality will degrade for sure. The only thing that can help is to use higher bitrate. However I would recommend to change your editing software.

p.s. I don't like DVDs. I prefer storing media files on a hard drive (using a raid array actually for backing up files on the fly) and playing them with a network media player

adam0718 06-02-2011 09:51 AM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player

Use freeware Handbrake for burning for you video DVD. It will convert your files to create a DVD that will work on any DVD player.

cwadhwa 07-31-2011 05:05 AM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player

@ Stream Recorder - Thanks for all the info. I could not follow up because i was out of town.

I have some more questions -

I need to record and edit video of professional quality which could be telecast on TV channels. Till now we were using Sony camcorder.
Now i am looking for a professional camera and video editing softwares.

Could you help me figure out those.

Stream Recorder 07-31-2011 10:12 PM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player


Originally Posted by cwadhwa (Post 31330)
I need to record and edit video of professional quality which could be telecast on TV channels. Till now we were using Sony camcorder.
Now i am looking for a professional camera and video editing softwares.

Read camcorder reviews and choose camera that you like. Then see what software is recommended for the camcorder.

littlebong 10-28-2016 07:01 AM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player

There is a easy way Avdshare Video Converter which is the most efficient WMV to DVD Player converter featuring converting WMV to any kind of DVD player.

nguyenthanhtam9723 10-28-2016 07:44 PM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player

littlebong 10-29-2016 05:34 AM

Re: Burn wmv file to DVD format to play on any DVD player

There is a easy way Avdshare Video Converter which is the most efficient WMV to DVD Player converter featuring converting WMV to any kind of DVD player.

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