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unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)


any ANONYMOUS forum user 03-28-2011 01:57 AM

unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)

Hi all. I have a problem to record stream from
When i usign rtmpdump stream is recordin but file i too big. 1.3Gb and is broken. Pls help me to recorg stream media from this site.

test webpage - _,tajemnice_kolei,7244.html
embedded player - _
streaming protocol - rtmpt://
path - Tajemnice_kolei/2011/TajemniceKolei_12.mp4
full url
HTML Code:

rtmpt://<playpath>mp4:Tajemnice_kolei/2011/TajemniceKolei_12.mp4 <swfUrl> <pageUrl>,tajemnice_kolei,7244.html <objectEncoding>

placebo 03-28-2011 02:00 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)

hi, the testpage url is:
i've tested it.
CooJah + Blader: captures the rtmpt link but doesnt download
StreamTransport: doesnt capture (=> no download possible)
GetFLV: doesnt capture (=> no download possible); RTMPT functionality will be added in future versions of GFLV.
rtmpsrv: doesnt capture
HiDownload : captures and downloads
NetTransport: not tested (@SR, please could you?)

, ,

HiD download file size is different with each download attempt, e.g. 371 MB (389.239.917 Bytes), crc32: 983A9F29
smooth playback in VLC, smooth playback in Applian FLV Player

Stream Recorder 03-28-2011 11:45 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)

Replay Media Catcher 4 and WM Recorder 14 works just fine with this stream. NetTransport didn't detect the stream with its URL finder.

I use Replay Media Catcher 4.1.8 BETA:

nullacht 03-28-2011 01:44 PM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)


Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user (Post 26640)
Hi all. I have a problem to record stream from
When i usign rtmpdump stream is recordin but file i too big. 1.3Gb and is broken. Pls help me to recorg stream media from this site.

test webpage - _,tajemnice_kolei,7244.html

Try this command line:

RTMPDump v2.3:


rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -y "mp4:Tajemnice_kolei/2011/TajemniceKolei_12.mp4" -o TajemniceKolei_12.flv --live

RTMPDump v2.3
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting Live Stream
INFO: Metadata:
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:  timescale            15000.00
INFO:  length                22859000.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            avc1
INFO:  timescale            44100.00
INFO:  length                67204096.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            mp4a
INFO:  timescale            600.00
INFO:  length                600.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            mp4s
INFO:  timescale            600.00
INFO:  length                600.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            mp4s
INFO:  audiochannels        2.00
INFO:  audiosamplerate      44100.00
INFO:  videoframerate        15.00
INFO:  aacaot                2.00
INFO:  avclevel              22.00
INFO:  avcprofile            77.00
INFO:  audiocodecid          mp4a
INFO:  videocodecid          avc1
INFO:  width                677.00
INFO:  height                382.00
INFO:  frameWidth            680.00
INFO:  frameHeight          382.00
INFO:  displayWidth          677.00
INFO:  displayHeight        382.00
INFO:  moovposition          36.00
INFO:  duration              1523.93
174526.152 kB / 1523.88 sec (99.9%)
Download complete


placebo 03-29-2011 01:16 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)


command line used:

C:\rtmpdump-2.3>rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -y "mp4:Tajemnice_kolei/2011/TajemniceKolei_12.mp4" -o TajemniceKolei_12.flv --live
1st run, the file is: 170 MB (178.714.780 Bytes), crc32:31A32E92 (file is totally corrupt)
2nd run, the file is: 170 MB (178.714.780 Bytes), crc32:364B9E1B (file plays perfectly fine)
3rd run, the file is: 170 MB (178.714.780 Bytes), crc32:364B9E1B (file plays perfectly fine)
4th run, the file is: 170 MB (178.714.780 Bytes), crc32:364B9E1B (file plays perfectly fine)

re: 1st run
i dont know what happened here. bad luck, i guess.

full credits go to nullacht (sorry dude ;) ). his simple command line gives perfect results. better than any other tool tested in this thread!! 1st prize!!!

placebo 03-29-2011 09:44 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)

Testing Replay Media Catcher 4, BETA VERSION 4.1.9 ==> WORKS!!!


Send createStream...
Send play...
Requesting buffer time of 8192
Downloading (RTMPT) - 1038 KB (00:00:00 / Live stream)
In the GUI, it says "Downloading" (and not "Recording") and it doesnt say "Live" or "Live stream" in the GUI. The only instance where it says "Live" is in the log, in the shown single line. The download takes ~half an hour and you can tell that something's going wrong here:

testrun1: file size is 170 MB (178.714.820 Bytes), crc32: D9418FAF
testrun2: file size is 170 MB (178.714.820 Bytes), crc32: D9418FAF
testrun3: file size is 170 MB (178.714.820 Bytes), crc32: D9418FAF, 50mn 47s

file can be played in Applian FLV Player (well... quite stuttery), but VLC has difficulties.. (very stuttery)
Clearly, the file is NOT perfect -- you could tell right away. RMC4 has downloaded the video but it is *not* the original server file. screen picture motion is not as smooth as the original webpage screening.

any ANONYMOUS forum user 03-31-2011 04:53 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)


Originally Posted by placebo (Post 26717)
Testing Replay Media Catcher 4, BETA VERSION 4.1.9 ==> WORKS!!!


file size is 170 MB (178.714.820 Bytes), crc32: D9418FAF
file can be played in Applian FLV Player (well... quite stuttery), but VLC has difficulties.. (very stuttery)
Clearly, the file is NOT perfect -- you could tell right away. RMC4 has downloaded the video but it is *not* the original server file. screen picture motion is not as smooth as the original webpage screening.

Apparently the RTMPT stream is still a challenge to all software coders. No software produced near-perfect results. And whatever you download, you can be sure that the file is NO WAY THE SERVER FILE. If you need perfect video server files, then delete your downloaded streams!! Otherwise, here is the ranking (as of end-of-March, 2011):

1st prize: HiD. Although same file sizes cant be reproduced (350-370MB), the file plays seemingly perfectly well in VLC and in FLV Player.
2nd prize: Replay Media Catcher 4 (BETA VERSION). file size is ~170MB, and video can be played back, even if very stuttery.
3rd prize: none
loser: rtmpdump. file size is ~170MB but the file is 100% corrupt. not even FLVExtract recognizes it as FLV file!!
pending: GetFLV. (GFLV Team promised to include RTMPT support in some future versions/updates of their product. fingers crossed!)

rtmpdump works fine and i can play the whole file.Maybe you should try again with this line?


rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -y mp4:Tajemnice_kolei/2011/TajemniceKolei_12.mp4 -o TajemniceKolei_12.mp4 -V

placebo 03-31-2011 05:05 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)

your port 1935-command line produces a file of
testrun1: 348 MB (365.891.527 Bytes), crc32: DF5AFB35
testrun2: 370 MB (388.909.396 Bytes), crc32: D50E1826
testrun3: 348 MB (365.397.677 Bytes), crc32: 41A0ED1F
testrun4: 361 MB (378.672.611 Bytes), crc32: F705EC38

It can be played with VLC player (smooth playing) and with other players.

thanks for your positive contribution, appreciated :)

Stream Recorder 04-01-2011 12:18 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)


Originally Posted by placebo (Post 26717)
Testing Replay Media Catcher 4, BETA VERSION 4.1.9 ==> WORKS!!!


file size is 170 MB (178.714.820 Bytes), crc32: D9418FAF
file can be played in Applian FLV Player (well... quite stuttery), but VLC has difficulties.. (very stuttery)

Try to fix duration and time using the Fix FLV tool of Replay Media Catcher 4.

It works fine for me. No stuttering or anything. Haven't tried VLC player, since I get much reliable FLV playback with Applian FLV Player and KMPlayer, while I had lots of problems playing FLV files with VLC recently, no matter what recording software I was using.

Do you have the same problem after disabling RTMP Super Download?

Stream Recorder 04-01-2011 01:54 AM

Re: unusual streaming (RTMPT, port:80)

I repeat that if you fix duration and time using the Fix FLV tool of Replay Media Catcher 4, then the playback is smooth! This is a live stream, so the fix is needed. RMC can apply the 15fps fix automatically like other software does it, and it will work in most cases, but there will be out of sync problems with streams using other timeframe values.

I don't really know what file size should be here. It is strange that rtmpdump gives a different file size after changing the port from 80 to 1935.

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