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Help me choosing streaming services (ustream, livestream, ultracast...)


simplyme 02-20-2011 09:15 AM

Help me choosing streaming services (ustream, livestream, ultracast...)

Does anyone have a particularly favorite streaming service? I've looked at a bunch of them and it's kinda hard to choose! I liked some of the features of Ustream and Livestream but they seemed a bit pricey. I found one called Ultracast that looks pretty good and affordable, but not having a lot of technical background I'm kinda stuck.

Any thoughts?

StreamXperts 03-15-2011 11:39 PM

Re: Help me choosing streaming services (ustream, livestream, ultracast...)

Live stream and ustrem are a bit pricey. Their pricing model will make it difficult to grow. For video streaming with Flash Media or Windows Media, I recommend Server Room or Primcast. They both have 24x7 support and will help you with the setup.

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