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Stream live audio/music as well as video: Need help in choosing the suitable solution


tebza 02-11-2011 04:06 PM

Stream live audio/music as well as video: Need help in choosing the suitable solution

Hi, I am new in the streaming industry but a developer by profession. I have started a new entertainment site and would like to stream live audio/music as well as videos (this at a later stage). I am not so sure of the resources that i should get and more especially the streaming software and how it works. However i am looking for something less expensive that will get me started. Please steer me in the right direction. Your help is highly appreciated.

Stream Recorder 02-11-2011 10:38 PM

Re: Stream live audio/music as well as video: Need help in choosing the suitable solu

You can use streaming server software. There are free solutions like Icecast and Red 5 as well as commercial ones.

You can install streaming server software on your server or use a web-hosting offering streaming services.

StreamXperts 03-15-2011 11:52 PM

Re: Stream live audio/music as well as video: Need help in choosing the suitable solu

Windows Media Services is also free with any windows 2008 server license, however free services will limit your broadcast to one or two viewers, depending on your video quality and Internet upload speed.

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