How to incorporate audioI would like to offer the following on a website and have no idea where to start. Any ideas on what the best solutions would be?
How do I allow people at a website through an easy approach either by a speaker microphone or telephone (if they don't have a microphone or are not computer savy) to record a message (or many messages), the have them placed within these people's individual folder. Optimally, it would be great if it would be handfree for me and they could go to their space, hit something, record it (or via telephone) then a system would place it within the folder to listen to later. I would like it to be in a format that would require the people to come to the website to hear so they can't just download the message to a cd or computer. the content would be messages from a few sentences to possibly about 10 minutes of audo. Many messages, many people. Longer term, I would like the same option with video but am concentrating on audio right now. The messages would be for the people to hear, not to be broadcast widely. I have my site hosted remotely. I am also not an IT person (although I use programmers) so responses that aren't too technical would be helpful... |
You can record any sound produced by your sound card using Sound Recorder
coming with Windows. In my Windows XP SP2 I can launch it by 1. Clicking Start->Standard->Multimedia->Sound recorder; 2. Running sndrec32.exe from a command line or "Run..." dialog. Using this program and a PC with attached Mic you may get a .WAV file. You may also suggest your visitors to use Audacity sound editor or any Direct sound recording program. A user can also use a portable player with a Mic to record sound. It is usually very easy to get mp3 or wav file and to transfer it to the computer. Once you have mp3, wav, etc. file on your computer, you can upload mp3, wav or any other supported file to a web-site. Any web-developer knows how to use the upload button in the HTML form. For non computer savvy users and for the majority of others you should provide step-by-step instructions on using your service. These instructions should be easily available from all the appropriate pages. As for technical help, you may outsource your project using Freelance project marketplace. Some of them are free for buyers, so you can sign up for free and post your project for free. After that you may communicate with IT professionals using the project forum. I suggest you to describe your project as good as you can and post it on as many free services as you can (there are only 3 large service I can suggest - see the link above). Doing this you will be able to get lots of responses that might get you new insights. Selecting an IT pro is not an easy task, but rating and experience can tell you a lot. Also Safe escrow payment allows you to minimize risks. |
IceCast is an open source solution that you can use to stream mp3 files. You may use user/login to restrict user access. IceCast streams can be listened to with iTunes, Winamp and many other popular players.
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