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AGuy 08-28-2010 11:16 PM I need help to download a stream

Here is the site:

Looking in the source code I found this: var s1 = new SWFObject("/imagens/playerStreaming.swf","single","400","300","7");
s1.addVariable("streamer", "rtmp://");
s1.addVariable("file", "LocalUser/renatosaraiva/413beca21b33932b8e9f00a488132fe6&cpf=32145697890") ;

I think "rtmp://" are the host, and: LocalUser/renatosaraiva/413beca21b33932b8e9f00a488132fe6&cpf=32145697890 are the file, right ?

I try some comands: "rtmpdump.exe" -W "" -r "rtmp://
ca21b33932b8e9f00a488132fe6&cpf=32145697890" -p ""

rtmpdump.exe -r rtmp://

And I get the same erro Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound.

Using Wireshark I see some thing like "handing shanking" on packages, it means the site use some kind of encriptation ?
Any clue ?

noob2001204 08-29-2010 08:23 AM

Re: I need help to download a stream


rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -a vod/ -y LocalUser/renatosaraiva/413beca21b33932b8e9f00a488132fe6 -V -o output.flv

Stream Recorder 09-16-2010 06:26 AM

Re: I need help to download a stream

I have tried Replay Media Catcher and it has downloaded this RTMP stream without any problem. You can also use many other RTMP Flash stream recorders including freeware CooJah, StreamTransport and Orbit Downloader.

DEDGE 02-25-2012 02:15 PM

Re: I need help to download a stream

I am a spammer!

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