Your web hosting provider?I apologize for the possible off-topic. Guys, could you tell me which web hosting company you are using at the moment? I have a problem because my current web hosting company hostgator is kicking me off. They say that our website is using too many server resources. But our website only gets 300 visitors per day..
Anyway, what would be your recommendations? Are you happy with your web hosting providers? I am checking webhostingbuzz at the moment, but is it real that they offer good quality and can switch you to Business Web Hosting or VPS web-hosting plan smoothly so that I don't lose any of my SEO efforts? What do you think about it? Any ideas and web hosting company name suggestions are much appreciated. |
Re: Your web hosting provider?webhostingbuzz has very good reviews. Usually companies that offer a wide variety of plans can switch you to a better plan or move you to a VPS server / Dedicated server really fast.
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