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How to record Stream Torrent video stream with freeware VLC while watching it


Stream Recorder 01-21-2010 02:35 AM

How to record Stream Torrent video stream with freeware VLC while watching it

  1. Start the Stream Torrent video stream and let it buffer.
  2. Right click on the Stream Torrent player when playing your streaming video and select "Properties".
  3. Copy the URL (it should look like "" without the quotes)
  4. Start VLC, go to go to "Media" -> "Open Network...". Select "HTTP" option, and paste the URL in the "Address" edit box.
  5. Press ALT+S (or click on the drop-down list on the bottom of the dialog window and select "Stream").
  6. Check "File" and select a file on your computer to which your video will be saved. Select "Dump raw input" and hit the "Stream" button.
  7. (!) Leave Stream Torrent running (closing Stream Torrent closes the stream).
  8. You may need to mute the sound in Stream Torrent so it doesn't affect the sound in VLC.

meg@ron 07-18-2012 09:49 PM

Re: How to record Stream Torrent video stream with freeware VLC while watching it

Thank You so much for this step by step instructive description of how to do this I am forever grateful and registered here I was so stoked to find an informative forum such as this one!:D

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