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How to find Trash Folder (trash bin) in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala


Stream Recorder 01-15-2010 03:13 AM

How to find Trash Folder (trash bin) in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

Trash folders are hidden. If you use the "ls" command in the Terminal, you need to include the "-a" switch

ls -a
In the Nautilus and other file managers, press Ctrl+H to view hidden files.

There are two folders within the Trash bin: "info" and "files".
  • The "info" folder contains information regarding the files contained in the "files" folder. Each deleted file has an entry containing the deletion date and path.
  • The "files" folder contains the actual deleted files.

Where Trash files reside:
  • User's Trash: ~/.local/share/Trash
  • System Trash: /root/.local/share/Trash

If you type "trash:/" in the location of Nautilus or any other file manager, it will take you to the user's trash folder.

The following command finds all folders on your system that contain either "trash" or "Trash". You need to have root privileges to run it.

sudo find / -type d -name *Trash*
Note: The search can take several minutes.
Note: The search finds any folders named Trash, so it can find non-system trash folders as well (such as an Evolution trash folder).

If your user Trash icon is not displayed on the Desktop, run:

gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible "true"
To hide the Trash from your Desktop, run:

gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible "false"

merve 11-05-2012 05:26 AM

Re: How to find Trash Folder (trash bin) in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

thanks very much, by this post i saved a very important file, which has no back up on somewhere. and it would be cost me nearly a month to rebuild it.

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