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What songs to my boyfriend?


ibili365 11-16-2009 11:22 PM

What songs to my boyfriend?

Christmas Day is coming,
I have bought an iPod and I want to download a lot of music into it,
because I’m planning give the iPod to my boyfriend as a Christmas present,
but I really don’t know what kinds of music to download,
so,may I ask you boys,what kinds of music do you like ?
And girls, what kinds of music do your another half like?
Not several songs but a great deal of songs,
Thanks for any reply!

Stream Recorder 11-17-2009 04:12 AM

Re: What songs to my boyfriend?

You can visit some popular music web-site and take a look at their charts, for example:

But I would recommend to ask your boyfriend about genres that he likes first.

ibili365 11-17-2009 06:33 PM

Re: What songs to my boyfriend?


Originally Posted by Stream Recorder (Post 14324)
You can visit some popular music web-site and take a look at their charts, for example:

But I would recommend to ask your boyfriend about genres that he likes first.

thank u

paulwilson 02-11-2010 11:16 PM

Re: What songs to my boyfriend?

Look for some romantic tracks (Enrique, bryan adams)

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