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How to join multiple MP3 files?


Stream Recorder 09-18-2009 03:34 AM

How to join multiple MP3 files?

You can join MP3 files using freeware MP3DirectCut, Audacity as well as with many other programs.

You can also join multiple mp3 files from a command line using the copy command:

copy /b *.mp3 c:\new.mp3
The above mentioned command allows to join all MP3 files from the source directory and save them as c:\new.mp3.
The /b parameter ensures that the files are copied in binary format.
The wildcard * in "*.mp3" defines that all mp3s will be joined alphanumerically by the command.
You can add a drive and folder structure to the command if needed. You can also limit the files by adding letters or numbers to the command, e.g. "track*.mp3" to join all mp3 starting with "track".
And you can specify the names of the files in the command:

copy /b track1.mp3 + space.mp3+ track2.mp3  c:\new.mp3
Make sure that all mp3s have the same bit-rate.

This method won’t work on an iЗod without first stripping ID3 tags from mp3 files. Otherwise depending on the software/firmware reading the file you may or may not have problems playing back the mp3 file.

You can extent this method onto subfolders. Using Notepad create a .bat file with the following content:

for /f "delims==" %A in ('dir /ad /b') do copy /b "%A\*.mp3" "%A.mp3"
If you launch this batch file in the folder, it will create several MP3 files joining files for every subfolder.

For example, if you have the following folders:


launching the command from c:\audiobooks\book1 will allow you to create cd1.mp3, cd2.mp3 and cd3.mp3.
cd1.mp3 will be the result of joining *.mp3 files from c:\audiobooks\book1\cd1 .

Stream Recorder 09-18-2009 03:36 AM

How to join multiple MP3 files (Linux, Mac OS)

In Linux and Mac OS instead of the copy command you can use the cat command:

cat *.mp3 > new.mp3
cat track1.mp3 track2.mp3 > new.mp3

SliveYo 12-01-2009 08:26 AM

Re: How to join multiple MP3 files?

I use Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner (Shareware - $30 / Windows) by a number of equal parts, by size, by duration.

Generoll 04-22-2010 07:21 AM

Re: How to join multiple MP3 files?

Mp3 files can be joined in two ways: you can convert them to uncompressed WAV, join the WAV files and convert the resulting single file back to mp3 format. However, with this approach, quality losses are inevitable.The other method of joining is a bit smarter. Mp3 files can be combined directly, without converting them to WAV and back. With this method, audio data from separate files is copied into a single mp3 file. This method is not only better because of preserving the original quality, but it is also much quicker.

There is an article about using commercial Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner

Originally Posted by mymusictools
  1. Download and install the program.

    Download Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner to a known location. Run the downloaded setup package and follow on-screen instructions to install the program.
  2. Start the program. Select MP3 files to join.

    Launch Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner. The program contains two utilities: MP3 splitter and MP3 joiner. If the program starts in the MP3 splitter mode (which it does by default), click "MP3/WAV Joiner" on the toolbar to switch to the joiner.

    As next, click "Add files" either on the toolbar or on the right pane. Just below the "Add files" button on the right pane, you can see "Autosort on open". When checked, this option will sort files that the program opens by numbers found in filenames. This may be useful if filenames contain information about their order, for example track01.mp3, track02.mp3 etc.

    Once you have clicked the "Add files" button, a usual "Open" dialog is shown.

    Browse to the location where you store your MP3 files to join, select files, click "Open".

    Alternatively you can simply drag MP3 files from Windows Explorer or another file manager and drop it into Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner.
  3. Join MP3 files.

    The files will be added to the joining list.

    Now you can preview each part by selecting it from the list and clicking the green triangle on the toolbar (Play). To stop playing the file, click the black quadrate (Stop).

    If you need to change order or parts, select a part from the list and click "Up" or "Down" buttons on the right pane to move the part up or down respectively.

    In the "Output file" area you can specify path and filename to save the joined file. By default, the folder of the first added file is used, and the output file is named "joined".

    You can edit ID3 tags for the file.

    Finally, click "Join" on the toolbar to join MP3 files.

    Visual MP3 Splitter & Joiner will start joining. Depending on the number of files and their size, the process can take a few seconds. The program shows a progress bar in the right lower corner.

    After a successful joining we get the message about it.

    Here you can see once again where the program saved the joined file, and also open the file.


twoDoctor 05-13-2010 08:54 AM

Re: How to join multiple MP3 files?

or you can use a VideoCharge Full and:

1. Add MP3 Files.
2. Select Output format as Without recompress
3. Run

You join all MP3 files, without change quiality, and very very fast 10-06-2010 01:09 AM

Re: How to join multiple MP3 files?


jerrywilson0909 03-26-2012 03:04 AM

Re: How to join multiple MP3 files?

There're a lot of free audio converters able to merge mp3 files.
Video to Audio Converter for free is available anywhere

princecharming 11-24-2014 05:19 AM

Re: How to join multiple MP3 files?

1. Launch mp3DirectCut, select File and then Open…
2. Navigate to the ’second’ MP3 – the one you want to join to the end of the first. Click Open.
3. Select Edit and then Select All from the drop-down menu.
4. Now select Edit and then Copy.

article 01-19-2016 09:58 PM

Re: How to join multiple MP3 files?

I highly recommend Avdshare Video Converter to convert MP3 to other audio formats, like converting MP3 to OGG, converting MP3 to WMA, converting MP3 to M4A, to WAV, FLAC, DTS, AIFF, etc.

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