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Replay Music - record any music stream from the Internet


thegiftmallonline 03-04-2009 01:41 PM

Replay Music - record any music stream from the Internet

When it comes to music on the Internet, you have two legal choices: you can stream tracks, or you can purchase them as individual downloads.

Replay Music can record streamed songs from most applications, break them into individual files (either as WAV or 128- to 320-Kbps MP3 files) and even tag them with the correct song and artist info. It does this by taking a digital fingerprint of a song and comparing it with the information stored in its central server.

The program works with a variety of streams, including those from Napster and Rhapsody that require a subscription. Replay Music also has built-in CD-burning controls, and it can burn CDs or send tracks to iTunes automatically.

With just one click, only Replay Music can record streaming music from these popular services and more:

* Napster
* Rhapsody
* Y! Launch
* AccuRadio

(Legal note: Replay Music is not affiliated with any of these services, nor do we encourage violating any license agreements. We offer this list only for compatibility purposes.)

Tags Songs Automatically

Only Replay Music can automatically tag your recorded MP3s. Using proprietary song recognition technology, Replay Music identifies each song after it's recorded, and adds the artist, song title, album and genre information to each MP3 file. Not only can you record, but now you know what you're listening to!

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